Vincent Massol wrote:

On Jul 6, 2007, at 11:12 AM, Gaurav Upadhyaya wrote:


I liked this wiki so much that i want to customize its look per my choice and run it on my database. I have the code with me and want to know few things :

1) How can I configure the database to Oracle, (before building the archive, to avoid repetitive work).I have tried over writing the hibernate files with my config, but the moment i use "mvn install", it sets back to the default HSQL db. Where do i need to make a change for hibernate files to use my DB properties.

I've already answered that (at least 2 or 3 times)

2) How can I change the default user (XWIKI / XWIKI).

I've already answered that too.

I would be really thankful for any help.

Gaurav there's no point in repeating over and over the same question. I have spent some of my own time to answer you. The least you could do is read my answers and try them out and let me know how it goes... :(


Hi Vincent,

I am thankful for your time. I am sorry if i have not been able to communicate what my requirement is, but in your emails, i did not see the answers i was looking for. In the last email for example, i tried to put in that even if i change my hibernate config, and then if i do an "mvn install"**, my change is over-written with the default one again. Also, if i make the DB config change after deploying; from the server logs, i get an error that XWIKI user is still being referenced (which i have changed as per my database).

All this makes me think that i am not exactly doing the change at the root location, and that is what i want to find out.

Kindly refer your email where i can find the answers(you said that you have answered them 2-3 times). I am also willing to document these and post it for anyone who can refer to this in the future.

I thankful again for your time but i am still in pain of not being able to deploy from the source with my own DB changes.

Thanks a lot

** : i used [
svn://] and did a "mvn install" in 'xwiki-platform-web'.Please suggest if im correct.