Your XEN ICT Team - Ricardo Rodriguez wrote:
Vincent Massol wrote:

Well, caching is a feature of your browser so the image has probably  
been cached by it.


Yes, it is. But, why it only cached the heading image while Print > Preview a page and not while accessing this same page for reading/editing? This was the issue we have been struggling with :-(

Nicolas must be right: there are differences between print.vm and global.vm affecting the display of this image. I am trying to understand how they works (it is my first approach to Velocity).

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your XEN ICT Team

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At least a part of the answer: as Vincent stated, it is a browser issue. The only browser in troubles now is Safari Beta 3.0.3(522.12.1). Look at this...

On a Mac OS X, Firefox and Camino do well. Safari 3.0.3 fails to show the right logo. I don't know why this only happens with the Print > Preview option. Could it be related with how templates print and globarl work? Thanks.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your XEN ICT Team