
I also think that it's not the goal of Workspaces to be a generic purpose wiki. This is for XE. Thus we need to be very careful about the features that we expose in XWS since its goal is to be dumb simple!
My take is that users should only be able to add the applications that we've packaged for them (i.e. that are in the distribution). Of course an admin can probably do whatever he wants since it's an XE under the hood ;)


Indeed. The aim would be to offer a choice of applications built for XWS. When an user creates a new space, he would be able to choose (checkboxes) within a list of available applications which ones he wants to use in this given space. 

Those applications would all be bundled in the XAR of XWS, and only applications made & tested for XWS would be distributed this "official" way. 

However, as Vincent pointed it out you can always do what you want provided you know enough about the inner workings of XE & XWS :-)
