
I'm using TWiki. TWiki has this really powerfull formatted search capability (see http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/FormattedSearch). Is there an equivalent to this in XWiki?

An example of a search looks like this:

%SEARCH{ "META\:FORM.*\"TechnologyDomainForm\"" type="regex" nosearch="on" nototal="on" order="topic" reverse="on"
header="| *Domain* | *Description* | *Status* | *Responsible* |"
format="| $topic | $pattern(.*?Summary[\n\r]*([^\n\r]+).*)  | $formfield(Domain-Status) | $formfield(Domain-Responsible) |" web="TA"}%

You see that I use a regular expression that checks whether a page as the form with the name "TechnologyDomainForm" attached to it. For all those pages, it returns a table with the specified header and some values: the topic name, some content from the page, and some form field content.

Thanks for your support!
