my logs from the mail plugin are at the bottom of this mail....Notice the "skipping subscription of user dhiller since not our scheduler name: [daily]".  What does this mean?  I notice my properties file has often, hourly, daily, and weekly.  All are commented out except for often which is set to every 1 minute for now as I test this out.  I do a google and find the following code snippet....Why is only daily firing and not often.  I am very confused here.  thanks for any help....dean

+            Collection userDocs = xwiki
+                    .getStore ()
+                    .searchDocuments (
+                                      ", BaseObject as obj where,'.',XWD_NAME) and obj.className='XWiki.XWikiUsers'",
+                                      context);
+            for (Iterator iter = userDocs.iterator (); iter.hasNext ();)
+            {
+                // XWikiDocument doc = xwiki.getDocument ((String)
+                // context);
+                XWikiDocument doc = (XWikiDocument) ();
+                if (doc != null)
+                {
+                    BaseObject obj = doc.getObject
+                    if (obj != null)
+                    {
+                        String schedulerName = obj
+                                .getStringValue
+                        if (name.equals (schedulerName))
+                        {
+                            retval.add (obj);
+                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled ())
+                                LOG.debug ("adding subscription of user " +
doc.getName ());
+                        } else
+                        {
+                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled ())
+                                LOG.debug ("skipping subscription of user "
+ doc.getName ()
+                                        + " since not our scheduler name: "
+ schedulerName);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }

18:05:00,011  INFO scheduler1_Worker-2 email notification sender: often NotificationSender:run:220 - email notification sender thread up and running.

18:05:00,011 DEBUG scheduler1_Worker-2 email notification sender: often NotificationSender:run:230 - have 1 modifications...

18:05:00,012 DEBUG scheduler1_Worker-2 email notification sender: often NotificationSender:checkForTooNewModifications:263 - lastChangeDateForNotification: Tue Jan 03 18:04:50 MST 2006

18:05:00,034 DEBUG scheduler1_Worker-2 email notification sender: often NotificationSender:getAllSubscriptions:477 - skipping subscription of user dhiller since not our scheduler name: [daily]

18:05:00,034 DEBUG scheduler1_Worker-2 email notification sender: often NotificationSender:run:242 - 0 subscriptions for wiki xwiki

18:05:20,320  WARN Finalizer  JDBCContext:finalize:333 - afterTransactionCompletion() was never called
18:06:00,012  INFO scheduler1_Worker-1 email notification sender: often NotificationSender:run:220 - email notification sender thread up and running.

18:06:00,013 DEBUG scheduler1_Worker-1 email notification sender: often NotificationSender:run:223 - nothing to do, exiting