Re this question:

5) "What links here": says this feature can now be enabled via Preferences, but I don't see it anywhere.  Can you point me in the right direction?


I was going for something like you see on Wikipedia, where every page features a “What links here” link.  Here’s the solution I came up with.  I’m not sure that this is necessarily the cleanest way to go, but it works well and might be useful to others out there…


1. Enable backlink tracking per Ludovic’s reply


2. Add the following to XWiki.Menu:

<div class="left" style="width: 150px">

<a href="/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/WhatLinksHere?targetFullName=$doc.fullName&targetName=$">

What Links Here</a>



3. Create XWiki.WhatLinksHere, containing the following:

(this is based roughly on the code snippet at

#set ($targetFullName = $request.getParameter("targetFullName"))

#set ($targetName = $request.getParameter("targetName"))


1 Pages that link to $targetName


#set ($sql = "select xlink.fullName from XWikiLink as xlink where'$targetFullName' order by xlink.fullName")

#set ($results = $xwiki.xWiki.getHibernateStore().search($sql,50,0,$context.context))

#if ($results.size() > 0)

 #foreach ($result in $results)

  #set ($backlink = $xwiki.getDocument($result))

  * [$>$result]



  Nothing links to this page



Hope this is helpful to someone!


- Peter



-----Original Message-----
From: Ludovic Dubost []
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 12:48 AM
To: Peter Flynn
Subject: Re: WYSIWYG setup



Hi Peter,


Sorry for answering late.. The schedule to 1.0B1 is tough.. You should

actually ask your questions in the XWiki users list. Some other users

and developers will help answering.

The link is here


Peter Flynn a écrit :

> Great!  I have been playing with the wiki today and am liking it a lot.


> I have a few questions still that I am hoping you can answer:


> 1) Locking: Whenever I begin or end editing a page, the browser locks up for about 15 seconds.  It looks like there is some AJAX code on the page that makes synchronous requests (which freeze the browser) when the page loads and unloads.  This seems related to locking a page during editing.  Can I disable this feature, or change the requests to asynchronous, to avoid the long freezes?


Right. I've seen that.. This is the document locking and unlocking using

AJAX to have unlocking when people leave pages. It should be aync at

least for locking. This needs some Javascript changes in the edit

template. You should submit this as a task in

However it should lock everything for 15 seconds. This shows either that

your server is very slow or some other thing being wrong..


> 2) Macros: I'm looking for a way to insert basic boilerplate on multiple pages. E.g., on Wikipedia you can add "{{cleanup}}" to add a warning about the article needing cleanup to the top of the page.  It looks like macros are XWiki's version of this, but how do I create one?



You create macros using the velocity syntax (scipting) or using Radeox


A velocity macro is for example:


#macro(hello $firstname $lastname)

Hello $firstname $lastname



You can then use it using


#hello("Ludovic" "Dubost")   (carefull no commas between variables,

which is odd for developers)


You can write your macros in the page that use it or in a page that you

include using #includeMacros("XWiki.MyMacros") or in

/template/macros.vm  (needs a restart) or another macro file you 

specify in WEB-INF/


There is a neat feature which we need to document more which allows to

transform radeox syntax on the fly to velocity and allow macros to

appear in the WYSWIYG Editor (the last button of the toolbar)

In the XWiki  Preferences / Advanced section you should add


hello=velocity:hello:first_name=First name|last_name=Last name


(not 100% sure about that.. you should use it when it's properly documented.


> 3) Email notifications: I noticed a blank FAQ entry ( about the ability to send an email notification when a page changes ("watching" a page).  Does this feature exist?



No we only have RSS right now

> 4) Styles: Is there a way to add a new paragraph style that will appear in the WYSIWYG editor's dropdown?


Not yet.. we are working on adding a style macro


{style:type=div|class=mystyle}  Text {style}


and will then allow a predefined list of styles to appear in a new drop down

> 5) "What links here": says this feature can now be enabled via Preferences, but I don't see it anywhere.  Can you point me in the right direction?



xwiki.backlinks=1 in the xwiki.cfg


the display backlinks script is here


> 6) Categories: Is there a way to tag pages as belonging to a category, and then go to the category and see a list of all its pages?  It seems like a "What links here" macro could be used for this, but is there an easier way?



There is a new tag field in edit mode.. We haven't worked yet on

displaying all pages matching a tag and add an RSS feed for this..




> Thanks again for all your help, Ludovic!


> - Peter



> -----Original Message-----

> From: Ludovic Dubost []

> Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 1:39 AM

> To: Peter Flynn

> Subject: Re: WYSIWYG setup



> This is the right version

> The number comes from in the WEB-INF directory.

> It does not mean anything right now when got from SVN as each build

> increases it by 1

> You can mark it 0.9.1500 it will be close enough.. You can upgrade to

> 1.0B1 once we get it out so you get an official build number.


> Ludovic


> Peter Flynn a écrit :


>> Hi Ludovic,


>> I pulled down the SVN trunk and was able to get WYSIWYG editing working after upgrading to this version.  Looks great!


>> One thing though: did I actually get the stable Beta you were talking about?  My site is now reporting version itself as "0.9.0023", which appears to be a lower number than the "0.9.840" that I was running before.  Is there a 1.0 branch I should have used instead?


>> Thanks again,


>> - Peter



>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: Peter Flynn

>> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 4:47 PM

>> To: 'Ludovic Dubost'

>> Subject: RE: WYSIWYG setup


>> Hi Ludovic,


>> The "Edit HTML" link does not appear on that menu in my installation.  I tried changing the preference the new way you have suggested, and although the change appears to stick this time, I still get the plain text editor when viewing a page.  Does this make any sense to you?


>> I may try the new SVN version to see if that fixes my problem.  How difficult is it to upgrade my old installation?  Is there a standard upgrade procedure documented anywhere?


>> Thanks,

>> - Peter



>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: Ludovic Dubost []

>> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 2:43 PM

>> To: Peter Flynn

>> Subject: Re: WYSIWYG setup



>> Hi Peter,


>> I understand that you don't want to wait for a Wiki ! I wouldn't too !

>> But December 13th is just a week away !


>> I understand your concerns about running an unstable version, but at

>> this point the SVN version is as stable if not more as the 0.9.840.

>> You can run that SVN version with the older interface and the same wiki

>> (backup your database) and use the new WYSIWYG Editor.


>> The reason why you should not use the WYSIWYG Editor in 0.9.840 is that

>> you will be disapointed and it will not be compatible with the upcoming

>> versions.

>> The older editor saves content as HTML. The new editor converts back and

>> forth to wiki syntax which allows to be compatible with non wysiwyg

>> editing and provides better versioning.


>> If you really don't want to listen to the person who's knows XWiki best

>> ( :) ) the link to the wysiwyg editor is "Edit HTML" in the "More

>> Actions" menu.

>> To switch the wysiwyg editor you can choose "WYSWIYG" in the XWiki

>> Preferences (maybe using Edit Objects in 0.9.840).

>> However if I remember correctly in 0.9.840 new page creations were not

>> linking the the wyswiyg editor although the default editing tool is the

>> wysiwyg.


>> Ludovic


>> Peter Flynn a écrit :



>>> Hi Ludovic,


>>> Thanks for your quick response.  Unfortunately, WYSIWYG editing is a key feature for us.  The changes for 1.0 sound exciting, but we can't wait that long before setting up our Wiki.  And I think we would rather not be using an unstable version from SVN.





>>> Would you have any insights into the problem I'm having with the current version?


>>> Thanks again,

>>> - Peter


>>> -----Original Message-----

>>> From: Ludovic Dubost []

>>> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 2:21 PM

>>> To: Peter Flynn

>>> Subject: Re: WYSIWYG setup



>>> Hi Peter,


>>> Great news to see XWiki go into Adobe ! We will be very proud of it.


>>> I strongly discourage any WYSIWYG Editing in 0.9.840.

>>> I suggest that you run using the latest SVN version of wait one week as

>>> we are releasing the new XWiki 1.0B1 next week with a brand new UI and

>>> Skin and the new WYSIWYG Editor.

>>> We are launching this at JavaPolis on December 13th..


>>> Ludovic


>>> Peter Flynn a écrit :




>>>> Hi Ludovic,


>>>> I am trying to set up Xwiki for internal use here at Adobe, but we're

>>>> having trouble getting the WYSIWYG editing feature to work. I am

>>>> running version 0.9.840, which seemed to be the latest stable build on

>>>> your site.


>>>> When I edit a page, there is no option to switch to WYSIWYG mode. I

>>>> tried following instructions to change the preferences

>>>> <>,

>>>> but when I click Save Preferences I get the error "You are not allowed

>>>> to view this document or perform this action". This happens when I am

>>>> logged on as Admin, so it looks like something is going wrong.


>>>> Can you give me any help with diagnosing this problem?


>>>> Thanks in advance,


>>>> - Peter Flynn
















Ludovic Dubost



Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost

AIM: nvludo Yahoo: ludovic