Hi everyone,

first, a compliment for the developers of XWiki, it seems to be well done and very promissing. I just starting using XWiki. I created a wiki at XWiki.com and now downloaded it to first run it at my localhost then later at my server.

I have a couple of short question. Please forgive me if they are obvious questins or if they have been posted and discussed already.

1.  When I start XWiki at localhost, I seem to be logged in. I see "Hello Ashraf" on the upper right corner. There is not an Edit function under "More Actions" link though, so I can not edit or add pages. I registerd a new user, logged in with the new account but it is the same, cann't edit either. Why that? What should I change in order to be able to edit contents of pages?
Note, I can edit pages if i am logged in as admin.

2. In the installation instructions, it says:  * The default admin user is Admin with password admin. Is it possible to change  those default values?

3. Surfing around in Xwiki, online as well as local, seems to be slow! is Java responsible for that? Why? I've seen other java-based wikis that are faster than this!

4. How can I remove users ? is it possible at all?

Thanks a lot,