Hi Franck,

On Sep 5, 2007, at 4:39 PM, Frank Misa wrote:

Hi Vincent,

Just got back from vacation -- sorry for the long delay.....
I'd like to pickup where we left off.

As you know -- I've followed your suggestions -- but I'm still getting the same error.

I've placed the PDF file on a public server as you requested.  I've taken screen shots of every step of a simple document type and instance creation scenario.....
Please see:

I'd really appreciate some feedback -- I'm asking very basic questions I think -- hope you can help me get past go with XWiki.

Slide 2: When you click on "Create this class" button, it creates an new document with the space and name provided and add some boilerplate content to it. So:

* yes it"s just a document
* there's no class data created at this point
* a document can have only one class but it can have many objects
* a document belongs to only one space

Slide 3: Spaces have a main page called WebHome. If none exist then the space name is shown with a question mark. See http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/UserGuide/Spaces

Slides 4, 5, 6, 7: ok

Slide 7: yes this is the page to include in topic #includeInTopic()

Slide 8: IMPORTANT: You have made a mistake in that page. You must have: WhatAmIMissingSpace.WhatAmIMissingDocClass. There's no WhatAmIMissingDoc document!

Slides 9, 10: ok

Slide 11: On the WhatAmIMissingDocClass document you'll see a warning box saying "The template does not have an object of class WhatAmIMissingDocClass. Click here to add it.". Simply click on "here" to add the object. Yes it could be improved in the future.

Slide 12: will work fine when you correct slide 8... :)

So what you're missing is that it should be WhatAmIMissingDocClass and NOT WhatAmIMissingDoc which is a document that doesn't exist...


From: vincent@massol.net
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 22:05:22 +0200
To: xwiki-users@objectweb.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Authoring templates and design sheets not working for custom class

On Aug 9, 2007, at 9:43 PM, Frank Misa wrote:

Hi All,


2) I would be very grateful to a link to some decent tutorial/documentation -- even if I have to pay for it...
It would be great to see something along the lines of the "FAQTutorial" but with more indepth look at available Velocity objects/macros and discussion of how Documents/Classes/Objects/Properties are actually related....
I can't believe this stuff isn't better documented :(

Yep we need to rewrite that tutorial on Class/Object/Templates/Classsheets. Would be great if you can help.

Here's a short version:

* Classes contain definition of a concept. A definition is made of properties. A property can be a string, a text area, a combo box, a radio button choice, etc. A class is created inside a document. There's a class tab in the edit view of a document.

* An Object is the instantiation of a Class in a document. This means that several documents can all instantiate the same class but have different values of the class properties. When you edit a document there's an Object tab that allows you to view all existing objects associated with a document and modify their properties values or add new objects.

* A classsheet is some generic code to display the content of an object. Classsheets are meant to be used by being included in a document containing an instance of the object they're meant to display. The include is done using #includeInContext("classsheet name").

* A classtemplate is simply an "empty" page that already has the include to the classsheet and an object added. It's meant to be used in forms and be copied when user ask to create a new document easily.

The 2 important core concepts are classes and objects. The rest (i.e. classsheet and classtemplates) are just easy ways to display object content and create new documents.

Hope it helps,

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