On 3/20/07, Youcef BEY <youcef.bey@imag.fr> wrote:
Hi Wang,
It interest me too.
The XWiki actually allows to change default languages in administrator panel and also to add languages (as much as we need). During edition of documents we have the possibility to switch from one language to another.Then after saving document and displaying it, only the language in which it was translated are dispayed.
Then, the XWiki changes the interface language only into the language of the active document. So we can't change the interface language (+help doc) without having displayed document in the same language.
Are there any solution to add language selection without taking in consideration the language of active document.


Something like this was partially implemented last summer. There are 2 parameters, the interface language and the document language. Unfortunately, the code isn't used in the core, because there was a bug in the implementation, and nobody had the time to see what's wrong. Maybe sometime in a future release ( 1.1) somebody will take the time to fix it.


Youcef Bey
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:54 AM
Subject: [xwiki-users] How to Use Internationalization

Hello all,

I want to change XWiki between various languages. I read the page http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/UserGuide/I8N which says "You can easily setup and change your XWiki language settings on the Preferences page." But I can't find how to setup various languages.

Would you please give me some suggestions?

Sincerely, Wang Ning
