Hi Xavier,

I just wanted to let you know that we have a couple of conference projects and I would be interested in discussing / working in this area with you and any other interested users and developers.  I am working with a small team to build an event wiki for Connexions which will take place in October and I am porting and extending some networking features that allow organisers to match conference attendants and experts among themselves.  I started writing the user stories for this (in French), we could share and discuss them if you are interested.


On 7/28/05, Xavier MOGHRABI <xavier.moghrabi@objectweb.org> wrote:
Dear all,

I'm trying to create a form in order to register visitors to a conference.
Thus I've created a XWiki class to store data concerning visitors.
I've created this document :
Main.RegistrationClass that contains the class
Main.RegistrationClassTemplate that contains an object of the previous class

I need to make some verifications when people registering. Thus I've created a
Document that I called Main.RegistrationNewVisitor that displays a form and
control data.

The problem I have is that I don't know with using velocity script how I can
forward. Thus I've created a javascript script that forward to the desired
page by clicking on the hidden form.

Any idea ?


Xavier MOGHRABI - Consortium ObjectWeb
Email: xavier.moghrabi at objectweb.org
Phone: +33 4 76 61 52 35 - Skype ID: xavier.moghrabi.bureau

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