Hi all,

I just downloaded XWiki to evaluate it.  From the list of features, it looks like it might be the best out there.  But, I can't figure out how to get multiple wikis to work.

I pointed two domains at my XWiki server.  I created an XWikiServerClass.  I created XWiki.XWikiServerDomain1 and XWiki.XWikiServerDomain2 and set their servers to be www.domain1.com and www.domain2.com, respectively with owner XWiki.admin .  I set xwiki.virtual=1 and restarted tomcat.

It looks like they're both still working out of the "xwiki" database in MySql rather than creating their own database.  If I make a change on the wiki in domain1, the same change appears in domain2.  They aren't two separate wikis.

If I get rid of the www. at the beginning of one of the "server" fields, it redirects to the "This wiki does not exist" page.

So, I can't seem to get virtual wikis working.  Any ideas?

I'd really like to choose XWiki for this (hopefully big) project.

Thanks so much!