Any help from this side?
On 29.09.2005, at 21:35, Yves Langisch wrote:
> I defined a class with several properties and I created some
> documents based on this class. Now I added some new properties to
> this class but I'm not able to supplement the new properties in the
> existing objects (field is read-only, no input field). When I
> create a new one the property can be set.
> Is this a normal behaviour?
> Yves
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Hi all,
I'm having troubles to separate the editing/authoring view from the
normal view. When creating a new object instance I'd like to have a
completely different authoring form from the later read-only view.
When I'm right a sheet and a template per class should help
separating these two things?!? I also played around with the FAQ
sample application (
+Tutorial) but without success. The problem seems to be that the when
creating a new document the template content is copied into the new
document and is used for both editing and viewing. Do I get anything