Hi guys!
I juste read under http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/FAQ/
HowToCreateNestedPages that nested pages are currently not available.
I really need this functionality for my current project. As sad on
the FAQ this feature should be available soon. Can anyone tell me
when this will happen? If there is already a "working" version of
that feature in the dev trunk, let me know, I could help testing.
Andreas Rami
Bizzons eMarketing GmbH
Nikolaiplatz 4
A-8020 Graz
Tel: +43-1-890-3408-250
I have a problem. I logging in, after I'm close the window of my wiki
When I open my site, I follow loggin in. So I clean all the cookies, the
cache, but I always follow loggin in.
Thanks in advance
I am using xWiki behind an apache server and using Mod proxy to proxy
https requests to the tomcat server.
The problem is that xWiki rewrites the urls to http://host... so they
have to get bounced off the http default server host configuration that
redirects them to https://host.... Therefore the posts do not work
because the redirect breaks the session.
How can I turn off the url rewriting in xwiki so that the urls use the
relative reference not the full absolute reference? Or is there a way
to tell it to rewrite urls with the https (not http) protocal?
Thanks in advance for any help,
Doug Culnane
SNAP Consulting
Systemnahe Anwendungsprogrammierung und Beratung GmbH
Altmannsdorferstra?e 23A
1120 Wien, Osterreich
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I am querying for all the users whose addresses are matching a
particular pattern. (there is an "address" property in the UserClass).
Also I want to the results to be sorted by another property, "username".
I found a similar query in this mailing list thread :
I tried forming the following query but it is wrong.
, BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop, StringProperty as otherprop
join obj.id=otherprop.id.id and otherprop.id.name='username' where
obj.name=doc.fullName and obj.className='Users.UserClass' and
obj.id=prop.id.id and prop.id.name='address' and prop.value like
'%someaddress%' order by otherprop.value
Can anyone tell me what the correct query should be like.
Thanks in advance
DigitalGlue, India
I installed a new instance of xwiki on my local machine. I tried to set up the email notification but it didn't really work. In the XWiki Preferences I set the outgoing smtp server to several smtp servers such as smtp.google.com, smtp.comcast.net, etc. Howver, there seem to be some authentication issues and I get the following error message:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page Demo.SendMailTestPage Wrapped Exception: Invocation of method 'sendMessage' in class com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki threw exception class com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException : Error number 10006 in 10: Could not send mail to server smtp.comcast.net port 25 error code 530 (530 Authentication required ) OR
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page Demo.SendMailTestPage Wrapped Exception: Invocation of method 'sendMessage' in class com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki threw exception class com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException : Error number 10006 in 10: Could not send mail to server smtp.gmail.com port 25 error code 530 (530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first h14sm757315wxd )
I also tried to use my own smtp server (hmailserver) but then I had some relay problems and the following error message:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page Demo.SendMailTestPage Wrapped Exception: Invocation of method 'sendMessage' in class com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki threw exception class com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException : Error number 10006 in 10: Could not send mail to server mail.hmailserver.com port 25 error code 550 (550-207-105-15-139.ded.pacbell.net (XWiki version 0.9.840) is 550-currently not permitted to relay through this server. Perhaps you have not 550-logged into the pop/imap server in the last 30 minutes or do not have SMTP 550 Authentication turned on in your email client. )
I have right now no idea how to resolve these issues. I would appreciate any help in setting up the smtp server for the email notification.
Esbach, Brandon wrote:
>>>With a little work, you could probably intercept the upload via
> groovy, place it on a network drive, replace the attachment with a link
> to that network file..
> <shrug>
> Would think that this would be your next step? Granted, I've never
> tested the idea; but it should do what you're looking for.
So I take it nothing like this is in the works? :)
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Xwiki-file-and-attachment-storage-tf4214945.html#a123…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
users mailing list
We got a new load of spam related hammering on xwiki.com. It is more and
more horrible and creates more and more unuseful load on xwiki.com. Spam
robots have included creation of XWiki accounts and use of these
accounts to publish spam data in the wiki pages.
I've had to deactivate statistics since each spam-related request that
cannot be catched by mod_security creates load on the database for these
The only way to get statistics back will be to use Javascripts which
triggers a statistics storage request in the database (which would be
ignored by spam robots and search engines), or to wait until we can read
Google Analytics or another external statistics engine and redisplay it
on xwiki.com.
In the future we will propose a tutorial to activate Google Analytics on
your wikis. If you know how to do it you should include this on your
wiki pages to get statistics for your wiki.
I'm getting more and more worried about these spam robots and would
welcome any help and ideas on how to handle this to make xwiki.com a
viable platform for hosted public wikis.
Ludovic Dubost
XPertNet: http://www.xpertnet.fr/
Blog: http://www.ludovic.org/blog/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost AIM: nvludo Yahoo: ludovic
Is there a simple way to turn the panels off for a particular page?
I know this is possible, by creating the page in a new space and
configuring the new space not to show the panels. Is there another way?
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