I'd like to select documents from the database by class via the following
(based on the blog code):
#set ($sql = ", BaseObject as obj, DBStringListProperty as prop join
prop.list list where obj.name=doc.fullName and
obj.className='Photos.PhotoClass' and
obj.name<>'Photos.PhotoClassTemplate' and obj.id=prop.id.id and
prop.id.name='category' and list='${category}' order by doc.name")
This is fine, but I'd like to sort the results by another of the
parameters ("date") instead of by document name. I'm not a database
person, so I'm not sure how to accomplish this. Any guidance would be
most helpful.
Brian D. Switzer
e-mail: herkamur -=>at<=- canada -=>dot<=- com
web: http://bswitzer.railfan.net/
Hi all,
i encountered some problems using the xwiki and hope
you can help me. i downloaded the latest xwiki version
and installed everything using a postgresql database
and a tomcat 5.0.29.
The following problems occured:
1. The page
could not be opened for some reason. the browser
keeps loading and loading, but nothing happens,
not even a timeout.
The same problem exists for the "Blog" link:
However the page
can be opened without problems. Logging in as Admin
user does work, too. So DB cannot be the problem.
Any ideas about this problem?
2. I deleted some page in the wiki, which resulted in
lots of execption that i cannot get rid of. at the moment
i cannot change anything due to this problem. the exception
org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: possible nonthreadsafe access to session
at org.hibernate.engine.ActionQueue.execute(ActionQueue.java:239)
If you need the full exception, tell me.
3. I changed the language under "More Actions" -> "Web Preferences" from
"en" to
"de". After that it was no longer possible to change anything under
the definition for the "XWiki Wiki Web", ... , "Top Menu", "HTTP Meta
we all empty and thus could not be edited. Changing the language back to
"en" does not work, because i am getting the errors mentioned in 2.)
4. When editing a page i can select the preview, which will show me a
preview of the
page, which is nice. However the preview page does not contain a back
button, that
takes me back to the edit page. there is only a save button. so, if i do
not want
to save the page i have to use the back button of the browser, which is
good nor consistent. Adding a back button in the html page back to the
page would be really appreciated.
So, my biggest problems are 1.) and 2.) at the moment. i'd really appreciate
you could help me, because i have to set up a wiki and want to use one
in java and xwiki seems to be best non-commercial java wiki.
Andreas Wüst
amites GmbH
Heumadener Straße 2
73760 Ostfildern
phone: 0711-4599939-34
fax: 0711-4599939-63
By default, my xWiki site uses the code:
#set($category = "$request.category")
#set($nbitems = "10")
#set($nbstart = $request.nbstart)
1 Entries for category $category
to display News/Blog entries on the site. The Blog.Macros code displays a "Next" link at the bottom of the page when the number of items exceeds groups of 10. But the link itself is not being built correctly. If you are specifically viewing a category, the category parameter is dropped from the URL when Next is clicked.
What is the best way to get this fixed?
Also, I would like to make some changes to the way that information is displayed on my site; such as display 10 complete articles at a time, not excerpts from articles.
All help is greatly appreciated.
firstly, thanks to the xwiki team for thier great product!
one question:
is there any "translation support" in xwiki?:
when i see one page with a language preference, i see a specific version of
it (english in my example).
when i've got a portuguese preference, i see the last version of the page
edited with the portuguese label.
can i create a page, and associate with it the related translations?(the
original page and its translations have got the same url):
=> the url is the same for all the translations, but i can see translations
depending on my language preference.
is it the case?(we've created on our wiki, one page per translation.... =>
http://jguard.xwiki.com ).
sincerly yours,
Charles(jGuard team).
Hi all,
I'm interested in learning more about xwiki's macro features.
However this helpful-looking link from the FAQ (on http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Doc/ ) is broken:
The error message for that FAQ item is:
com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page Doc.WhereCanIFindTheSourceForTheDefaultMacroTagsLikeThe Wrapped Exception: Encountered "<EOF>" at line 1, column 70. Was expecting one of: "(" � <WHITESPACE> ...
at com.xpn.xwiki.render.XWikiVelocityRenderer.evaluate(XWikiVelocityRenderer.java:131) at com.xpn.xwiki.render.XWikiVelocityRenderer.render(XWikiVelocityRenderer.java:87) at com.xpn.xwiki.render.XWikiRenderingEngine.renderText(XWikiRenderingEngine.java:116) at com.xpn.xwiki.render.XWikiRenderingEngine.renderText(XWikiRenderingEngine.java:93) at com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument.getRenderedContent(XWikiDocument.java:224) at com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument.display(XWikiDocument.java:735) at com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document.display(Document.java:389)
Where's the best place to look to learn about macros?
hello everybody !
I'd like to design a form with one database select field.
The xwiki standard distribution provides a good basic example with the
Category field within the XWiki.ArticleClass.
But some additional information could be helpful :
- a relational map of all the database tables involved in this application
- the names and descriptions of Hibernate objects corresponding to the
database objects so that I can fully undestand queries like this one :
select prop.value from BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop where
obj.className='Blog.Categories' and prop.id.id = obj.id and
(standard hibernate query for the category field)
- for my current project, I intend to automatically feed this table with
data updated in another database by another application software (CRM in
that case). So it's crucial to know with precision what XWiki requires
when managing "database select fields". Do you know about some existing
developments like this one ?
Thank you by advance for any information you could send to me ...
Pierre Carlier
I would like to change the way News RSS feed works. I would like the entire post sent instead of just an excerpt. What is the best way to accomplish this?
There is zero documentation on what kind of spreadsheet functionality
works in XWiki tables. The only documented thing is SUM and it is
also the only thing I can get to work. Even simple things like
=(Address - Address) makes XWiki throw an exception on render.
Is there documentation somewhere that explains what can be done in
tables? Or is SUM about the, um, sum of it? I just wanted to have
one cell subtracted from another cell... is this possible?