I don't success to make my xWiki Multi Lingual.
I activated in the XWiki.Preferences, paremeters sections the option
Multi Lingual set to Yes.
Add fr in language section with english like this : "en fr"
But it doesn't add the "fr" language in the home page . I can only see "en".
I modify a page but adding this '?language=fr' to the URL, it modifies the
content for en too.
Do you know what I did wrong ?
Xavier MOGHRABI - Consortium ObjectWeb
Email: xavier.moghrabi at objectweb.org
Phone: +33 4 76 61 52 35 - Skype ID: xavier.moghrabi.bureau
The sample database contains lots of attachments, unused pages, etc. I
would like to be able to set up an xwiki installation with a clean
starting point; ultimately I will need to have my own SQL file to create
multiple virtual xwikis each with the same custom initial state. In
other words, it is not practical for me to manually remove and replace
the sample content. Due to version history each virtual xwiki would be
bloated with all the photos and other sample data.
Has anyone created a minimal database SQL file? I assume it is needed as
I did try running xwiki with an empty database.
If not, any suggestions? Is there a good Hibernate tool that would make
it easier to manually edit the database? (I tried editing the SQL but it
is hard to separate the essential xwiki structure from the sample data.)
Or is there some way to strip all the unused data from the database?
I've configured in XWikiPreferences the Registration part in order to get mail
when a new user is registered.
I use as SMTP outgoing mail : as the machine is running exim MTA.
But when I register a new user I don't get any email. Does it work ?
Moreover a registered user can not change its email adress in the User page.
Xavier MOGHRABI - Consortium ObjectWeb
Email: xavier.moghrabi at objectweb.org
Phone: +33 4 76 61 52 35 - Skype ID: xavier.moghrabi.bureau
If your animation is a flash animation, then you should use the "embed"
or "object" tag..
You should use exactly the HTML you would use in an HTML page..
In the embed or object tag, just refer to the attached file as:
$doc.getAttachmentURL("filename.swf", "download")
For example when I embed flash I do it like that:
#set($flashurl = $doc.getAttachmentURL("myflashfile.swf","download"))
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH="992"
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="${flashurl}">
<PARAM NAME=play VALUE=true>
<PARAM NAME=loop VALUE=false>
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=low>
<EMBED SRC="${flashurl}" WIDTH=992 HEIGHT=587 quality=low loop=false
You might want to add {pre} and {/pre} around your HTML to make sure the
wiki syntax treatments are disabled. In some cases in can garble the HTML.
I might create a specific macro to make it easier to embed flash.. It
seems like a good idea..
Stephen Riolo a écrit :
>Hi i couldn't find any help on this in the tutorial or boards:
>I'm trying to upload a small animation to a new wiki but don't know
>how to get it to display correctly after I attach the file. Tried it
>as animated gif but the gif doesn't animate. Is it possible to
>post/embed a flash movie or html version of a flash movie directly
>into the wiki page (something like {present:flash.swf} instead of an
>image, or {html:\s55k56... etc}) will this animate? does xwiki support
>this sort of content? How about interactive animated content?
Ludovic Dubost
XPertNet: http://www.xpertnet.fr/
Blog: http://www.ludovic.org/blog/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost AIM: nvludo Yahoo: ludovic
It is possible to have a email notification to notice when somebody has
modified a page in xWiki ?
Xavier MOGHRABI - Consortium ObjectWeb
Email: xavier.moghrabi at objectweb.org
Phone: +33 4 76 61 52 35 - Skype ID: xavier.moghrabi.bureau
Hello (x2)
in the left bar, I've change the space value of a div to 160 pixel : <div
class="left" style="width: 160px">.
But I don't know how to change the space of the bar but now the div is cut.
Xavier MOGHRABI - Consortium ObjectWeb
Email: xavier.moghrabi at objectweb.org
Phone: +33 4 76 61 52 35 - Skype ID: xavier.moghrabi.bureau
I'd like to include in a page an image coming from an other page.
Actually I've using the HTML tag img but the problem is that I need to write
absolute link.
Is it possible to use XWiki syntaxe {image} ?
Xavier MOGHRABI - Consortium ObjectWeb
Email: xavier.moghrabi at objectweb.org
Phone: +33 4 76 61 52 35 - Skype ID: xavier.moghrabi.bureau
When I export a Wiki Page into PDF the images don't appear.
You can test it at http://www.cosgov.org
Xavier MOGHRABI - Consortium ObjectWeb
Email: xavier.moghrabi at objectweb.org
Phone: +33 4 76 61 52 35 - Skype ID: xavier.moghrabi.bureau
I tried to modify the Main.Toolbar page. But when I'm logged and I want to
modify it by pressing the edit icon, I'm forwaded to the xWiki.Toolbar page.
Thus I think that the link on the edit icon is wrong.
The way I've found to modify the Main.Toolbar was to write in my browser the
following URL : http://www.cosgov.org/xwiki/bin/edit/XWiki/Toolbar
Thanks to correct this in your next if it is a bug or to explain me why I'm
Xavier MOGHRABI - Consortium ObjectWeb
Email: xavier.moghrabi at objectweb.org
Phone: +33 4 76 61 52 35 - Skype ID: xavier.moghrabi.bureau