Hi Richard,
Current the RSS feed for comments has not been created.. This will need
some scripting..
Email notification would also be possible but by changing the comment
addition page and add some scripting..
You are right about the comment management features, but they will need
to be added..
Same thing for the nofollow which is not yet implemented (though it
should be easy by a skin change)
You might want to add some JIRA tasks for these features..
We might want to put an intern on these features..
PS: I've cross posted to xwiki-users as I believe these responses are
good to share with the user community
Richard Akerman a écrit :
>I would like to be able to get an RSS feed of the comments posted to the wiki.
>Alternatively, I would like to get email notification of new comments.
>It would also be nice if there were easier comment management features
>right on the comments page (deletion etc.)
>Also, is the nofollow standard implemented for comment HTML?
Ludovic Dubost
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