xwiki-users January 2006

  • 30 participants
  • 68 discussions

Re: [xwiki-users] datetime in xwiki rss feeds
by Sudhir Rao
18 years, 9 months

bounty on XWiki?
by jeremi joslin
18 years, 9 months

AW: [xwiki-users] Create a XWikiClass
by andre.fleischer@lhsystems.com
19 years, 1 month

calendar - pdfs - current month only?
by Stephen
19 years, 1 month

[xwiki-users] bad attachments
by Robin Fernandes
19 years, 1 month

An error on the right hand side panel
by Ali Naddaf
19 years, 1 month

[xwiki-users] Lists with more than 320 items render incorrectly
by Robin Fernandes
19 years, 2 months

[xwiki-users] pdf export fails with the nowrap attibute
by Robin Fernandes
19 years, 2 months

[xwiki-users] Experience with the email notification plugin?
by Robin Fernandes
19 years, 2 months

RE: [xwiki-users] {pre} tags not working
by jpalmer@purina.com
19 years, 2 months
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