Need emollient for minor skin irritations
I really like the new skin, especially the comments/attachments/history
display handling, and I don't want that to be missed. I have two
difficulties, however, both related to the elimination of the More
Actions menu:
First, I can't find a direct link to the Edit Objects URL for the page.
It works if I enter it manually (and let me gratefully note here that
the new skin has made the editobject template *much* more friendly), but
none of the menus seems to offer a path to it.
Second, the More Actions menu had an item that mitigated an existing
annoyance, which was that, if a page had objects (other than comments)
displayed on it, the URL in the Edit link was changed to /inline/ from
/edit/. To me it was annoying, but to many users, it was confusing,
which is worse, of course. It got to the point where I always used the
More Actions menu to select inline or edit myself, but now that option
is unavailable. Of course, I can always enter the URL by hand, or use
FoXWiki if I'm opening it from a link, so again it's not a show-stopper
for me but a problem for the Great Unwashed (or, as they say in
Ludovic-land, the sans culottes)...
I know how I can provide these, so I don't need that advice, but it
would, of course, be good to have them available in the default skin, so
I would like somebody to: 1) point out where they are if I've just
missed them; 2) discuss where you think they ought to be from the user's
perspective (especially if, for example, you have already re-implemented
them); and/or 3) suggest a JIRA item to provide them in the default