Hi, XWiki team,
It seems to me that upgrading the XWiki version on XWiki farm is very hard to do since it is not done for quite some time. Is this an indicator that maintaining an XWiki server with live sites is not easy?
Is there a path for site managers to move up to the next version XWiki? Or, is there a way for users to get to the new version or get around the problems of the old version? Not everyday everyone is starting from a clean new version, everyone has to face the upgrading time. If XWiki farm sites have to stay in old, old version, I guess moving up is really difficult. It does not look good to potential new users.
Thanks for thinking about this issue.
Hi, XWiki users,
Are you going to Taipei for Wikimania 2007? (http://wikimania2007.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page) Would you be interested in a meet-up?
Please contact me if you plan to go. I grew up in Taipei and know the software industry. It would be nice to have a XWiki user gathering.
ps. Those who contacted me before, please do so again to confirm you are still going.
I looked today over the XWikiMessageTool class, and I must say that I'm not
quite satisfied with it.
First, there was XWIKI-919, which I implemented. OK, I understand that files
stored on disk should be charset independent, so only ASCII characters are
supported by the ResourceBundle class (jvm) .But, when I can edit a wiki
document for storing bundles, I expect it to accept all the characters the
wiki supports (in my case, it was an UTF8 instance). I had some troubles
fixing this, since the JavaDoc says that bundles accepts only ASCII
characters, but it understands and parses unicode references ( \u0123 ).
Maybe I did something wrong, but doing content.replaceAll("\u0139",
"\\u0139") resulted in the string u0139 being displayed in the page. So I
had to trick it into believing that the component bytes of the encoding are
ASCII characters and manually restore the multibyte chars.
Second, I don't like the fact that XWIKI-921 was not already implemented.
Third, I don't like the cache refresh mechanism. It retrieves the
XWikiProperties->documentBundles property for each request, and It retrieves
the bundle documents for every request and checks if it must be refreshed or
not. Why isn't the com.xpn.xwiki.notify package used? It allows registering
callback handlers for specific document changes. How I see it:
- at startup, register a handler for XWiki.XWikiPreferences (so that we know
when the documentBundles property might change).
- remember the list of document bundles, don't ask it for each request
- also register handlers for the current bundle documents and load the
strings from these documents
- when XWikiPreferences is changed, if the documentBundle property is also
changed, remove the unused bundles and build the new ones
- when a undle document (or a translation for it) is changed, rebuild the
bundle for that document
This should speedup the code a bit, it makes use of a nice, but mostly
unknown feature, it doesn't log an error for each request when a specified
document is not found in the wiki, and it doesn't require so many variables
(previousDates, docsToRefresh).
Fourth, as I said above, if a document is specified in the documentBundles
property, but it does not exist in the wiki, for each $msg.get call an error
is logged. And there are a lot of calls for each request.
Now, in my opinion this is a nice way to get in the core of XWiki for a
newcomer, so does anybody want to write the changes I mentioned? Also, this
is a good occasion to document the event notification mechanism, in JavaDoc
and on www.xwiki.org
Sergiu Dumitriu
First; thanks to everyone who helped me make more blogs in my xwiki, it works beautifully! (though it's not the most beautiful code ever written...)
As far as I can tell there are no links from anywhere in the administration or editing modes to get back to the rest of the wiki. (there are save and cancel options, but that's not the same thing as 'Back') Have I missed something? If not; any hints on how and where to add such links?
For usability purposes- to make life easier for the future admins of the xwiki I'm setting up...
For a private wiki (with different companies involved), the use of email-addresses as userid would be great. Is there a possibility to achieve this?
I was looking for a way to set Parent Value with drop down list when user edit a page... I found this solution:
I modify the forms "Panels: DocumentInformation" (/xwiki/bin/inline/Panels/DocumentInformation) like this:
I replace lines:
<input type="text" id="xwikidocparentinput2" name="parent" value="$!tdoc.parent" size="30"/>
<select name="parent" class="panelselect">
<option value="$!tdoc.parent" selected="selected">$!tdoc.parent</option>
<option value="">-Empty \*-</option>
#foreach($subdoc in $xwiki.getSpaceDocsName("$doc.web"))
<option value="$subdoc">$subdoc</option>
The forms contain:
#set($pages = $tdoc.includedPages)
#largepanelheader("XWiki document information")
<dl><dt><label for="xwikidocparentinput2">$msg.get("parentfield"):</label></dt> <dd>
<select name="parent" class="panelselect">
<option value="$!tdoc.parent" selected="selected">$!tdoc.parent</option>
<option value="">-Vide \*-</option>
#foreach($subdoc in $xwiki.getSpaceDocsName("$doc.web"))
<option value="$subdoc">$subdoc</option>
#if($pages.size() != 0)
#if($pages.size() == 1)
<table summary="$msg.get("includeddocumentssummary")" id="xwikiincludeddocuments">
#foreach ($page in $pages)
<tr><td><a href="$xwiki.getURL($page, "view")">$page</a></td>
<td class="xwikibuttonlink"><a href="$xwiki.getURL($page, "edit")">$msg.get("edit")</a></td></tr>
On Jul 13, 2007, at 12:10 AM, <pbasnews-tmp(a)yahoo.fr> wrote:
> --- Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> a écrit :
>> Hi Pascal,
>> On Jul 12, 2007, at 10:14 AM,
>> <pbasnews-tmp(a)yahoo.fr> <pbasnews-
>> tmp(a)yahoo.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Pages I want a simple line feed/(cr)/return
>> line
>>> and not a new paragraphs.
>>> What's the xwiki syntax for that?
>> Well you're normally supposed to write paragraph...
>> ;) But yes you
>> can do what you want by using the \\ syntax:
> It 's a shame it is not indicate in the xwiki syntax
> help.
Yes it needs to be added. Would you mind creating a jira issue for that?
> BTW, is it difficult to code the line feed to avoid
> "\\"?
I think it's as hard as for HTML to do the same... :)
>>> Another think:
>>> I want writing xwiki code but I don't want xwiki
>>> execute the code.
>>> I don't want Escape $ caracater.
>> You'll need to escape the $ and the #. For example
>> \#set (\$tree = \$...)
>> It's a pain and we would like this to be done by
>> default inside the
>> {code} macro but that macro is from radeox and
>>> BTW, the link "Help on XWiki Syntax"
> Thxs for yours answers. :-)
> (http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Doc/XWikiSyntax?xpage=plain)
>>> si broken!
>> I wasn't able to find that link. Where is it?
> Edit a Pages-deploy the right Panel by a click on
> "xwiki syntax help"-under "Image" U found the broken
> link "Help on the XWiki Syntax"
ok thanks I'm fixing it.
--- Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> a écrit :
> Hi Pascal,
> (Can you please make sure you answer to the list? )
Oups sorry.
> >>
> >> 1) Your solution won't scale for bug wikis as
> there
> >> can be thousands
> >> of pages in the same space
> > Yep i'm agree with you
> >
> >> 2) We need to be able to easily select a parent
> from
> >> another space
> >>
> >> My suggestion is the following:
> >> 1) Use auto-suggest in that parent field
> > What your auto-suggest will display? Current Space
> > Pages?
> All pages.
In that case, U will lose performance with a big wiki
with thousands and thousands and thousands Pages
I think the better is to propose both solution:
-auto-suggest Pages in CurrentSpace
-and a popup windows with "..." button display all
Wikis Pages
But Your the Boss ;-)
> >> 2) Have a button "..." that opens the exact same
> >> Link popup window as
> >> in the WYSIWYG editor for selecting a page
> > Excellent choice.
PS: great wiki guys!
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