Hello everyone,
I've activated the statistics on my virtual xwikis, but when I access
the page XWiki/Stats I see the code, but not statistics, as this:
<% period = request.get("period") Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTime(new Date()); if (period==null) { period =
cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) * 100 + (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1) }
jour = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) * 10000 + (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1) *
100 + (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)+1)
type = request.get("type") if (type==null) type = "view"
In the xwiki.cfg, this is the section related to statistics:
Any help?
Vitantonio Messa
+358 46 889 48 49 - vitantonio.messa(a)coss.fi
COSS - The Finnish Centre for Open Source Solutions
@ Technology Centre Hermia Ltd.
Hermiankatu 1, FIN-33720 Tampere, FINLAND
Hi all,
I'm trying to upgrade XWiki from 1.0 to 1.2. The problem comes when I want
to import my .xar file (6Mb) and get a Java Heap Space Out Of Memory
I've checked your admin page
it looks like for my problem (file < 10Mb), only MySQL should be changed. So
I've changed the max_allowed_packet parameter but the problem still occurs.
I don't have anything in Tomcat or MySQL logs, which is a bit strange. The
only trace I get is the one bellow. It looks like Lucene breaks because of
the file upload not working. Any idea ? How could I get more details in the
log ?
[http-8080-Processor25] ERROR lucene.IndexUpdater - invalid
parameters given to add: XWiki.Import, null,
{grouplist={xwiki:XWiki.XWikiGuest=[], xwiki:xwiki:XWiki.XWikiGuest=[]},
fileuploadlist=[name=null, StoreLocation=D:\Servers\Tomcat\apache-
size=77bytes, isFormField=true
, FieldName=xredirect, name=null, StoreLocation=D:\Servers\Tomcat\apache-
size=20bytes, isFormField=true, FieldName=filename, name=
Backup2008-01-20.xar , StoreLocation=D:\Servers\Tomcat\apache-
oad_662feb76_117990b87e0__8000_00000002.tmp, size=6639095bytes,
isFormField=false, FieldName=filepath], msg=com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiMessageTo
ol@1171e30, util=com.xpn.xwiki.util.Util@bf1a4a, baseskin=albatross, tdoc=
XWiki.Import, ajax=false, locale=fr, doc=XWiki.Import, mainxwiki=x
wiki, skin=albatross, message=javaheapspace,
Has anyone successfully created a second blog in a single wiki? If so, please give me some guidence on how to do this task. Also, what could be a source of a velocity parsing error while creating a class sheet? Please respond to help progress my research.
Thanks in advance,
Hi guys!
I juste read under http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/FAQ/
HowToCreateNestedPages that nested pages are currently not available.
I really need this functionality for my current project. As sad on
the FAQ this feature should be available soon. Can anyone tell me
when this will happen? If there is already a "working" version of
that feature in the dev trunk, let me know, I could help testing.
Andreas Rami
Bizzons eMarketing GmbH
Nikolaiplatz 4
A-8020 Graz
Tel: +43-1-890-3408-250
Hi, can someone help me with setting up CAPTCHA with the albatross skin for
registration and comments? Is there some example code I could look at? Or if
someone has this working could they give some guidence? I have the captcha
plugin enabled but I'm kinda stuck on what to do next. Thanks in advance.
I am experiencing some layout issues. I am using the right navigation panel.
In the Blog WebHome Page, the right navigation panel is properly visible for
some pages.
However, for some pages, the right navigation panel either appears at the
bottom or at the upper left corner of the page. I am having this problem
only on the Blog WebHome page.
How can I solve this issue?
Thank you very much for your time and help!
I have a problem. I logging in, after I'm close the window of my wiki
When I open my site, I follow loggin in. So I clean all the cookies, the
cache, but I always follow loggin in.
Thanks in advance
I am using xWiki behind an apache server and using Mod proxy to proxy
https requests to the tomcat server.
The problem is that xWiki rewrites the urls to http://host... so they
have to get bounced off the http default server host configuration that
redirects them to https://host.... Therefore the posts do not work
because the redirect breaks the session.
How can I turn off the url rewriting in xwiki so that the urls use the
relative reference not the full absolute reference? Or is there a way
to tell it to rewrite urls with the https (not http) protocal?
Thanks in advance for any help,
Doug Culnane
SNAP Consulting
Systemnahe Anwendungsprogrammierung und Beratung GmbH
Altmannsdorferstra?e 23A
1120 Wien, Osterreich
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Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien
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