In XWiki there are "edit" links to edit sections. They are only
enabled with Heading 1 and Heading 2. Can this be modified, for
example, how to add this link to Heading 3?
Ar cieņu, Mihails
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Go grab it at
This is a bug fix release. The highlight of this release is that it
fixes a bug when creating Users or Groups.
Changes from 1.2:
Bug fixed:
* XWIKI-1880 - Exception in the console when editing groups using
the new UI
* XWIKI-2027 - Lucene plugin filter some pages in the search
result list
* XWIKI-2028 - Can't delete document using Document.delete if
user does not have programming rights
* XWIKI-2029 - When loading a revision of a document the creation
date is incorrectly set as the last modification date
* XWIKI-2034 - Parse error (encountered EOF) while migrating the
* XWIKI-2037 - Two versions of commons-logging are put in WEB-INF/
* XWIKI-2036 - Display the date in the logs
* XWIKI-2044 - Modify the database migrator that aligns RCS Diffs
data so that it can be executed even after the migrator that removes
RCS data from the document table has executed
New Features:
* XWIKI-1672 - Add API to delete a given wiki in a multi-wiki setup
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
Hi all,
In the page…
Since XWiki 1.2 it's possible to export several pages as PDF or RTF, using
> the currently undocumented includechilds=1, includelinks=1 and
> pagebreaks=1 request parameters. See XWIKI-1289 to follow the status on
> this.
I see in the menuview.vm the code
#submenuitem($doc.getURL("export", "format=pdf&$docvariant") $msg.get("
to compile the request URL and I find the variable $docvariant set in
> ## Check revision option
> #if ($request.rev)
Can someone help me to find where to put includechilds=1 to make it icluded
in the link?
Hi XWiki users,
You may not be aware of this but we're tracking favorite user issues
in our JIRA instance at
For example favorite issues for the XWiki Platform:
Favorite issues for XWiki Enterprise:
This is one of the input we use to prioritize the work. So if you a
favorite issue that you'd like to see fixed sooner rather than later
please vote!
-Vincent on behalf of the XWiki dev team
I had some system problems with the server hosting my wiki, now solved, but now the Lucene plugin seems to be in an unstable state.
When first accessing xwiki I get a : Lock obtain timed out: Lock(a)/opt/tomcat/temp/lucene-dcdf99faa0a5827d2037245ccf529558-write.lock
I tried to stop tomcat, remove the index completely from /usr/local/xwiki/lucene, deactivate the Lucene plugin from xwiki.cfg and restart, but it still fails the same way.
I tried to reactivate the Lucene plugin, but still the same error, and the index is not re-created, leading to various "FileNotFoundException" to occur ...
I'm running on linux, with mysql and xwiki 1.1. The .lock file is accessible read/write, as well as the index folder ...
How can I correct my Lucene plugin state ?
Hi all,
I have a problem importing documents from a Xar I exported.
I have 3 Xwiki Installations (devel,test, production), all
installations are 1.2 release.
I tried to export contents from test server to import it into both
Devel and Production Servers.
When I try to import the XAR I exported I get the following error:
No document found in the selected archive
The XAR file (with History) is about 15Mb and this means that it
contains something... :-)
I hope someone can help me!
I'm thinking about introducing XWiki as as general intranet system in
the the company I work for. Currently we have a dozens different tables,
list etc. mostly in Excel, wich are used (or better abused) as shared
task list, inventory list and a lot more. In other words: Quite a mess!
>From the docs, it appears the XWiki platform provides some functionality
for creating such micro application directly in XWiki. Has anybody
actually made any experiences (good or bad) in implementing them in a
small (50 users) enterprise environment?
I was editing via WISIWIG editor some text, and something bad happend while
saving and now page is not renderable. I've used lots of "special"
characters inside document. like : _ $ { } and characters from czech
Exact error message is:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page sis2.Environment
Wrapped Exception: Encountered " ma kazda instance nasledujici
konfiguracirnrn* Cesta OracleAS instance: /oracle/product/10.1.3/OracleAS&"
at line 34, column 49 of sis2.Environment
Was expecting one of:
"}" …
<DOT> ...
Original line I entered was:
Cesta OracleAS instance: /oracle/product/10.1.3/OracleAS_1/j2ee
In xwiki database I've found in XWIKIDOC table stored page and line look
like this
I use OracleDB and I've changed encoding to UTF-8.
Look like a bug, while converting or parsing underscore character.
View this message in context:
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at
Hello XWikiers,
one feature of my beloved OmniWeb browser is that the addressbar
autocompletion can be input with several words.
So a classical search for me is, e.g., "xwiki api" or "xwiki faq",
"i2geo tasklist".
Unfortunately, the first results in all of these are always in
actions such as inline or edit instead of being view. From time to
time, hence, I find I need to login where I only wanted to view.
- Is this a (yet another) feature of OmniWeb alone?
- I wonder others are experiencing such ?
- if it concerns a fair population would it be possible to consider
renaming some the actions?
thanks in advance
xwiki.virtual.redirect seems not have effect on my 1.2 installations.
Any called to XWiki server with a domain name not registered as virtual
wiki is answered by the controller, not redirected to
xwiki.virtual.redirect. There is a XWikiServerXwiki document with a
XWiki.XWikiServerClass pointed to the controller database.
Servers have been working fine until I've updated to 1.2.6932.
Has anybody seen this?
Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team