Hi ,
I am trying to authenticate against our LDAP but the password field doesnt
seem to be readable, when i change the password field to cn it seem to be
fine - is there anything that has to be done to allow xwiki to read hidden
attributes? the password field should just be the standard "userPassword",
and it works with other systems.
my LDAP config is :-
#-# new LDAP authentication service
#-# Turn LDAP authentication on - otherwise only XWiki authentication
#-# 0: disable
#-# 1: enable
#-# LDAP Server (Active Directory, eDirectory, OpenLDAP, etc.)
#-# LDAP login, empty = anonymous access, otherwise specify full dn
#-# {0} is replaced with the username, {1} with the password
#-# Force to check password after LDAP connection
#-# 0: disable
#-# 1: enable
#-# only members of the following group will be verified in the LDAP
#-# otherwise only users that are found after searching starting from the
#-# [Since 1.5RC1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# only users not member of the following group can autheticate
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.exclude_group=cn=admin,ou=groups,o=MegaNova,c=US
#-# base DN for searches
#-# Specifies the LDAP attribute containing the identifier to be used as the
XWiki name (default=cn)
#-# [Since 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# Specifies the LDAP attribute containing the password to be used "when
xwiki.authentication.ldap.validate_password" is set to 1
#-# [Since 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The potential LDAP groups classes. Separated by commas.
#-# [Since 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The potential names of the LDAP groups fields containings the members.
Separated by commas.
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.group_memberfields=member,uniqueMember
#-# retrieve the following fields from LDAP and store them in the XWiki user
object (xwiki-attribute=ldap-attribute)
#-# ldap_dn=dn -- dn is set by class, caches dn in XWiki.user object for
faster access
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# on every login update the mapped attributes from LDAP to XWiki otherwise
this happens only once when the XWiki account is created.
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# mapps XWiki groups to LDAP groups, separator is "|"
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.group_mapping=
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# time in s after which the list of members in a group is refreshed from
LDAP (default=3600*6)
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.groupcache_expiration=21800
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# - create : synchronize group membership only when the user is first
#-# - always: synchronize on every login
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.mode_group_sync=always
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# if ldap authentication fails for any reason, try XWiki DB authentication
with the same credentials
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# SSL connection to LDAP server
#-# 0: normal
#-# 1: SSL
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl=0
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The keystore file to use in SSL connection
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl.keystore=
#-# [Since 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The java secure provider used in SSL connection
Hello everybody,
Since I have installed xwiki on my Tomcat5 server I have OutOfMemory
These are related to the PermGen space, not the heap space.
I have read several topics about that with xwiki but with no answers.
If I remove xwiki from the server the problem disappear.
This server is hosted by an external provider and I will not be able to
extend the size of the permgen space.
Could somebody advice please?
Could I modify some configuration? E.g Logs?
This is really anoying because I think this tool is great
Many thanks in advance
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Thanks Sergio,
yes - since I use the same macros in several templates, I thought I should
collect them in a single page and include that.
I've tried includeInContext, includeMacros, and includeForms - but I always
get the same problem.
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 03:31:09 +0100
From: Sergiu Dumitriu <sergiu(a)xwiki.com>
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] macros not executed?
Yishay Mor wrote:
> At
> http://patternlanguagenetwork.myxwiki.org/
> I'm seeing a strange phenomena. Some macros ocasionaly appear literally in
> the rendered page, and are only evaluated when I refresh.
Where are the macros defined? Is it scripts.IndexPage? There is a
problem in the way macros are included, caused by the way the Velocity
engine works with what it calls macro libraries.
Sergiu Dumitriu
Yishay Mor, Researcher, London Knowledge Lab
+44-20-78378888 x5737
I have a question about the xwiki table usage.When I have a table ,I try
to split one cell to more cells or merge some cells into one cell,I find
this function is invalid,when I click the save button ,the saved table is
not what I want,is anybody know how to solve this issue?or anyone who has
the same problem?is xwiki support this syntax?if so,who has the xwiki script
for the table?
I created a new widget displaying some statistical data via the Panel
Wizard. With the 'admin' logins, that widget
is always visible. However, when i logged in with non-admin username ( with
View right granted), the newly created
widget is no longer visible.
Apparently, there are 2 most likely causes:
-The widget contains a Groovy/Velocity snippet that requires Programming
right to see
- The non-admin username does not enough rights to see the widget
Anyone could help me?
Where and how would you suggest to link a xWiki to google analytics?
Besides that, How can I control what content is indexed by external
search engines (like Google, Yahoo)
I have specific content that I would like to exclude from indexes,
although it is on public accessible pages.
In our system it is accessible by clcking a disclosure (because it
contains medical advise)
Hi xwiki-users,
I've been using XE 1.6 for quite some time and it's one of the best apps
that I've ever used (thank you so much)! Few small questons/issues.
Whenever I create a mailto: link in xwiki 2.0 syntax, I can't put spaces in
[[mailto:test@test.com?cc=test2@test.com&subject=This is a test]]
It used to be possible with the xwiki 1.0 syntax, though.
Also, I'd like to know how people are managing to place code snippets in
xwiki 2.0 syntax. In the past, I had used the {code} macro, but now that
it's gone, what do people use? Do people just wrap it in a <pre> now? How
about code syntax highlighting?
Keep up the good work!
we run a small XWiki Enterprise (now V1.6.1) in the out-of-the-box HSQL /
jetty version. Actually it's not so small anymore and the HSQL database
file grew to a size of 1,4 GB. This size doesn't represent the actual size
of the attachments stored in the XWiki, it's much, much bigger. So I guess
there is a lot of space wasted by old versions and other unwanted stuff
maybe left there as the results of several XWiki version upgrades.
Is there any safe way to clean-up the database? Which tables could be
emptied? I can live with losing all the versioned attachments and pages.
Due to limited Java heap size we already get OutOfMemory exceptions when
trying to delete bigger attachments or export some bigger pages. And the
heap size is 1500 MB at the moment which is almost the maximum size
Any ideas?
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I'm trying to find out if XWiki is right for us. We need OpenID
authentication. Is this something XWkiki supports?
I'm new to both XWiki and OpenID, but am relatively literate in linux
and sql.