Hi XWiki users,
I have encountered a problem where after running XWiki on my tomcat server for a week, i get an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space error. It appears that xwiki consumed all the java heap space. I believe the problem may be related to unreleased DB connections because, I noticed that everytime I try to shutdown tomcat, it hangs with xwiki deployed, also by running "ps aux" i see the postgresql connection processes belonging to xwiki still running. I tried deploying another application that uses hibernate + postgresql on the same tomcat running xwiki, and upon shutting down the server, all db connection processes from the other application gracefully terminate but not the ones from xwiki.
My question is does anyone ever had this problem before? If so what is the solution?
Solutions that I have tried but did NOT work:
1- Increase java heap with -Xmx512m
2- Reduce the maximum and minimum idle DB connections
My system specs:
OS: Linux ubuntu kernel 2.6.20
Java: 1.6.0_05-13
Xwiki: 1.4 (binary distribution)
Posgresql: 8.2.6
Total RAM: 1Gb
Any help will be very much appreciated.
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I have a question about the displaying of filenames for files attached
to pages. There seems to be a limit of 25 characters in the body of the
filename before the filename is truncated, and the filename is shown as
ReallyLongAttachedFilenam~.ext on the page.
Long filenames are pretty important for the users of my wiki, and I
would like to know how I could go about changing the display name
formatting. I have looked through the XWiki attachment, document, and
URL generation source code in search of the code that controls this, but
I was not successful in finding it.
Is there a configurable option somewhere that I have missed, or do I
need to alter the source code (if so, which classes/methods)?
-Daniel Selifonov
I have a recursive velocity macro that calls the Image macro provided by
XWiki. Weirdly, the call doesn't work only for the first call of this
recursive function. All the subsequent ones (the really "recursive" calls)
render the image perfectly. For the first call what's rendered is the code
that calls the image macro, with the brackets and everything, as if I had
escaped it somehow.
Does anyway has any idea of what is happening?
Maybe it helps if you can see the code, so here it goes. The calls to my
macro and to the image macro are in bold:
#macro (createChildrenNodes $parentNodeName $childrenSkillList)
#foreach ($skill in $childrenSkillList)
#set ($iconStyleClass = "ygtv")
#if($velocityCount == $childrenSkillList.size())
#set($iconStyleClass = $iconStyleClass + "l")
#set($iconStyleClass = $iconStyleClass + "t")
#if ($skill.hasChildren)
#set($iconStyleClass = $iconStyleClass + "p")
#set($iconStyleClass = $iconStyleClass + "n")
var node$skill.id = new YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode('<table border=0
cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td><div
class="$iconStyleClass"></div></td><td><a href="./EditSkill?skillId=$
skill.id">$skill.name</a> <a
to delete skill $skill.name}*</a></td></tr></table>', $parentNodeName,
*#createChildrenNodes("node$skill.id" $skill.children)*
function treeInit()
var tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView("treeview");
var root = tree.getRoot();
*#createChildrenNodes('root' $xwiki.cartography.getSkillTree())*
Tiago Rinck Caveden
What should be done to get the top menu items in a single line?
We are using menuitem to create the menu items which we get in multiple lines.
Can you provide us the way in which the menu should be created in a single line.
I just copied and pasted the xwiki folder when I was migrating I didn't even download anything.
Original Message:
Hosam Hassan wrote:
<br />> The tomcat it works with is 6.0.14 and the one which is messed up is 5.5.23
<br />
<br />It shouldn't depend on the version of tomcat. Are you sure it is the
<br />same version of XWiki Enterprise on both servers? In older releases (I
<br />think before 1.1) the {code} allowed executing scripts.
<br />
<br />> Original Message:
<br />>
<br />> Hosam Hassan wrote:
<br />> <br />> Hello,
<br />> <br />>
<br />> <br />> I have the problem that
<br />> <br />> {code}
<br />> <br />> #set($e = "Hello")
<br />> <br />> {code}
<br />> <br />>
<br />> <br />> displays only the gray codebox, but not the code itself.
<br />> <br />> The code is nevertheless not executed. So when I call $e it has not the value "Hello".
<br />> <br />>
<br />> <br />> I am running the same xwiki installation on two computers, one for testing (everything works fine) the other running. I search every file for possible changes but could not find one. The only difference between the two is the Tomcat version.
<br />> <br />>
<br />> <br />What version?
<br />> <br />--
<br />> <br />Sergiu Dumitriu
<br />> <br />http://purl.org/net/sergiu/
<br />> <br />_______________________________________________
<br />> <br />users mailing list
<br />> <br />users(a)xwiki.org
<br />> <br />http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users
<br />> <br />
<br />>
<br />
<br />--
<br />Sergiu Dumitriu
<br />http://purl.org/net/sergiu/
<br />_______________________________________________
<br />users mailing list
<br />users(a)xwiki.org
<br />http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users
<br />
I would like to know whether XWiki's email plugin is available in
myxwiki farm or if there is any other way to send emails to users of a
particular wiki.
Alberto Álvarez Lugrís <alugris(a)uvigo.es>
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Universidade de Vigo
Campus Universitario Lagoas/Marcosende s/n
36310 Vigo
Tel.: 986 812 329
Fax: 986 812 380
http://www.tradutoresgalegos.org [Asociación de Tradutores Galegos]
http://www.bivir.com [Biblioteca Virtual]
http://www.uvigo.es/webs/h06/weba573/indice.html [Área de T&I]
http://webs.uvigo.es/alugris [Docencia]
I was able to contribute to xwiki.org before but I can't even post a
comment to this page (once logged in):
Is there a problem?
In this page, I have a response for Martin and I wants the admin to know
that the 2 references js files are missing from the attachments section.
I know that this code retrieves all the documents: $xwiki.getSpaceDocsName($doc)
my question is this: is it possible to specify which documents can be left unwritten in the list?
for instance if i have these spaces: Website1, Website2, XWiki, Main etc and i don't wanna show "XWiki, Main", how can i approach this in velocity code?
Take care ,
Gabriela Radu :)
Hello people,
I am using a tree and i would be interested in changing the link,url, "a href", (SAVE) of the child, when i am adding a new page as a child and saving that element.
Thank you so much :)
Take care ,
Gabriela Radu :)