[xwiki-users] Selective space export
by Hernández Cuchí, Francisco Ricardo
Hello everybody.
Because of a java memory problem when exporting my wiki, I want to do selective space exports. The problem is that there is no easy snippet to do it. I found some code to export one space, and would be great to hace something with chekboxes or similiar to quickly select wich space to export. I am not good at the scripting language yet, so some help would be great.
I attach the code for one space exporting
#set($space = "All")
#set($space = $request.space)
#set($spacesText = {})
#set($spaces = $xwiki.spaces)
#set($ok = $spacesText.put("All","All"))
#foreach($space in $spaces)
#set($ok = $spacesText.put($space,$space))
#macro(spaceoption $space $selectspace $spacesText)
<option value="$spacesText.get($space)" #if($selectspace == $spacesText.get($space))selected="selected"#end>$space</option>
#macro(spaceselect $selectspace $spaces $spacesText)
<select name="space">
#spaceoption("All" $selectspace $spacesText)
#foreach($space in $spaces)
#spaceoption($space $selectspace $spacesText)
<form action="">
<div class="centered">
Space #spaceselect($space $spaces $spacesText) <input type="submit" value="Ver"/>
#if ($request.space)
1.1 List of docs that will be Exported
#set($parametros = "?format=xar&history=false&name="+$space)
#foreach ($item in $xwiki.getSpaceDocsName($request.space))
* $item
#set( $parametros = $parametros + "&pages=" + $space + "." + $item )
#set( $parametros=$doc.getURL("export")+$parametros )
#set( $parametros=$parametro.toString.replace("/view/","/export/"))
<a href="$parametros">Exportar</a>
Francisco Hernández Cuchí
Jefe de Servicios Sistemas de Información
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