My config - Oracle 10.2.4, XWiki - 2.2.4. Tested on Jetty and Glassfish. NEW
Xwiki instance imported from xar-file. User is Admin (default user in a new
instance). I cannot see any attachments in a AllAttachments live table.
What's the problem?
I know that pages XWiki.AllAttachments & XWiki.AllAttachmentsResults should
save user with programming rights. Before checking AllAttachments live
table, I gave for Admin (and for XWikiAdminGroup and for user Admin)
programming rights and resaved these 2 pages - but no result. Also I tried
to re-import these 2 pages - same situation - AllAttachments live table
doesn't show anything.
As I understand, maybe problem have relation with Oracle, because I tested
on another DB (MySQL) and all is ok. XWiki schema in Oracle have full
rights, no any special options in Oracle ...
This is not a special issue with XWiki - 2.2.4, same situation (on Oracle)
exists in a previous XWiki versions too.
Maybe have some more recomendations for me.
Thanks beforehand!
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Hi All,
I am facing issue in xmlrpc client while login the admin user. I want to
add the user in the xwiki through xmlrpc. For that i have to login as admin
and then i have to add the user which is given in the below link.
I have used the login sample defined in the following link
I have my own sso implemented in xwiki.
I need to add header and cookie in xmlrpc so that i can get those cookie in
my own sso class and check for the authentication.
It is possible to add the header and cookie in httpclient.
But how to do the cookie based xmlrpc login in xwiki? is there any way to
add the cookie and header in xmlrpc in xwiki?
Kindly suggest any idea.
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Hello XWiki Community,
We're still looking for the new logo. First of all, many
thanks to all those who submitted their ideas ( ). After the
first round of votes (digest here:…),
we chose 6 "popular" proposals for the second round: .
The authors of these proposals were asked to do the following, if not
already done for round 1:
* try to integrate any constructive feedback that came with the
votes (a digest of the feedback from the emails is available for each
proposal on )
* polish the design (if they consider it necessary)
* provide the requested variations for .org, enterprise and office
* provide samples for light and dark background
* provide a black&white version
* provide a 16X16 icon containing the logo or a representative part
of the logo
* provide a nice "Powered by XWiki" button that goes with the logo
* provide a mockup/screenshot with the logo used in the current
skin, colibri
For most of the finalist logos, the _final_ versions were already
uploaded here: .
For those who were not updated, we will use the initial submissions
for round 2 as well,
and voters will have to use their imagination in case
any of the required use cases is missing.
You can send your vote on the mailing list (devs(a) or
users(a), in reply to this email. No twitter votes this time.
Each voter can grant a whole +1 to only one of the 6 finalists
IMPORTANT: Before choosing a logo based on your personal preference,
please try to also ask yourself the following questions:
* Is it distinctive? Note that it should not resemble other logos,
including the XWiki SAS/ logo.
* Is it easy to remember and recognize?
* Does it blend in smoothly with the Colibri skin? With the new skin? Note that adjustments to the skin is possible, in order
to better integrate with the logo.
* Is the design scalable? Could it (or parts of it) be
successfully used in a 16X16 icon? Would it look good on a very large
* Can it be used (as it is, or adapted) on both light and dark
* What would it look like in black and white (not just grayscale)?
It's ok if some details are lost, but it needs to still look
attractive and keep the main features.
08/Apr/10 : Beginning of second round of votes on devs(a),
11/Apr/10 : End of votes
Sergiu Dumitriu
I try to translate an application in many languages but it doesn't work.
Let's take the Bulleting board application to explain my problem.
The bulleting Board application already has a default translation page in
english (BBCode.Translations). I declared it in Administration > Programming
> Document Bundles and it works fine. I would like to have a second language
for my Bulleting Board. I try two ways to do that but, unfortunatly, neither
one or the other works...
First method : I put the BBCode.Translations language to english (en) and I
translate the document in french (fr) thanks to the right translation panel.
So, I have my BBCode.Translations page available both in english and in
french. Then, when I go back to my Bulleting Board, only the key messages
are displayed and not their values (bb_welcomebb instead of "Welcome to your
Bulletin Board!")...
Second method : I created a new BBCode.TranslationFr page which I added in
the document bundles Programming field (with a separated comma to the
original BBCode.Translations). But I have the same result...
I think there is something I don't understand... But what ? !!
I feel like a newbie 'cause i don't stop to mail my problems (it's the third
in one week !)... Though, I read the documentation, the FAQ and the Nabble
Forum and I did some tests... Hope I don't bother you too much ! :)
I have some questions about the formula macro. I would like to test the
native method and the MathTran based method but I'm not sure to understand
how to choose and to use those rendered methods...
Before beginning, I have the XWiki Enterprise standalone version (for
Windows) and I don't install external programs for latex rendered. Does it
mean I use the SnuggleTex method ?
Thus, to try the native method, I add in in the file
WEB-INF/ the line macro.formula.renderer = native. I
understand that this method uses external programs but which one do I have ?
Is there a particular installation to do in order to connect them with my
XWiki installation ? Or do I have to configure the link/connection between
XWiki and those external tools ?
For the MathTran based method, my questions are pretty much the same... To
resume, what do I have to do to test this method ? Do I have to install some
particular programs ?
Finaly, I would like to know if the marco can renderer other latex markup
than "formula" (for instance \section or \subsection) ? Indeed, I try with
my actual configuration to display a matrix (with the code below) but it
doesn't work... It only renders my matrix in line. Is it the behaviour
expected ?
> \begin{bmatrix}
> 0 & \cdots & 0 \\
> \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
> 0 & \cdots & 0
> \end{bmatrix}
> \begin{vmatrix}
> x & y \\
> z & v
> \end{vmatrix}
Thank you,
Best regards,
Hi All
I'm still new to xwiki. Was wondering how to configure xwiki 2.2.2 to use a
certain group as a default. i.e. I want all new users that register to be a
member of said group. I know this should be a simple task but I'm still
finding my way to the docs...
Thanx in advance for any help
ps. if anyone can point me in the direction of some nice documentation on
the subject it will be greatly appreciated
Hi community,
The new design looks really nice.
I would gladly help on the Home page / Documentation / Projects panels.
For the carousel this looks like a nice library build on top of
prototype and scriptaculous:
On 4/15/10 6:22 PM, Silvia Rusu wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
> On 4/15/2010 6:18 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>> Hi Silvia,
>> On Apr 15, 2010, at 4:58 PM, Silvia Rusu wrote:
>>> Hi XWiki devs& users,
>>> So far we've been talking a lot about redesigning and all
>>> feedback was greatly appreciated. Now it's time we started implementing
>>> the redesign Caty was so kind to come up with based on our suggestions.
>>> Like the proposal stage this too will be a collaborative effort and we
>>> hope you'll join in building an even better site for The
>>> following is a list of things that need to be implemented in order to
>>> get us started. It would be great if you'd volunteer for the
>>> implementation of the tasks at hand. Please add your name next to the
>>> issue you'd like to assign yourself too. Also feel free to add as many
>>> other issues you think should appear on the list and to volunteer for
>>> those issues as well.
>>> Here is the first list of tasks:
>>> * Set up the server for the new website (Alex? :) )
>> Is this needed? Cannot we instead morph the current I'd prefer this over a migration since otherwise it's a bit painful and would require scripts to copy pages and there'll be a merge need. I did this the first time and it took me a lot of time. We could prepare pages in the draft zone and move them when they're ready for example.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
> Sounds good if it helps us save time. What does everyone else think?
> Thanks,
> Silvia
>>> * Add the horizontal navigation to the new website
>>> * Implement the projects carousel for the homepage
>>> * Implement the panels for "Latest Releases", "Latest Extensions".
>>> "Latest News"(should display the latest 5 releases, extensions, news)
>>> Documentation/Projects
>>> * Implement the left navigation for documentation/projects
>>> * Implement the panel for the "Latest Documentation Updates" (should
>>> display the last 5 documents and their authors)
>>> Community page widgets and panels:
>>> * Implement the"Development Status" panel, if it's going to have dynamic
>>> content
>>> * Implement the "Top Committers" panel (show the committer's picture and
>>> number of commits)
>>> * Implement the "Latest Commits" section (should display an image of the
>>> committer, what (s)he commited, the name of the committer and the date
>>> the commit was made)
>>> * Implement the "Latest Issues" section (should have the latest Jira
>>> issues, the person who took an action with regard to the issue - e.g.
>>> create, close - and the time the action was taken)
>>> * Implement the "Latest Discussion" section (display the list, the topic
>>> discussed, the name of the person that added the latest reply and the
>>> time he added the answer)
>>> * Implement the "Latest Documentation" section (show the number of lines
>>> added/deleted, the name of the document, the author of the modification
>>> and the time (s)he made the changes)
>>> * Implement "Latest Extensions" section (display the extension name, the
>>> name of the person that added the extension, the time it was added and a
>>> short description)
>>> You may read what has already been discussed about the redesign on this
>>> page
>>> See the latest redesign proposal here
>>> Thanks,
>>> Silvia
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>> devs mailing list
>> devs(a)
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Oana Tabaranu
I have a question :).
First this is my situation: I am using XWiki as the company support site
and I want to be able to authenticate the company users (internal users) on
XWiki using their domain name and the clients (external users) using their
personal e-mail. At the moment the company users are being authenticated
against an Active Directory server by their domain name.
Is there a way to authenticate a group of users to a LDAP server by their
e-mail addresses and another group of users to an Active Directory in a
different server by their domain name?