Hi all,
I've installed tomcat6, mysql and open office on a opensuse 11.2 system. I've deployed xwiki 2.3 and the 2.3 today's snapshot. I am not able to start / connect to the open office server. I am always getting "Inadequate privileges" error message. I've tried several paths to open office (default, openoffice.homePath=/usr/share/ooo3, openoffice.homePath=/usr/share/ooo3/basis3.1) and starting it manually too ...
I couldn't find the logs showing the reason behind.
Thanks for your help!
Navigating to the Main.LuceneSearch page brings up the following error?
Failed to execute macro: velocity
org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException: Failed to evaluate Velocity Macro for content [$xwiki.jsfx.use("uicomponents/search/search.js", true)##
$xwiki.ssfx.use("uicomponents/search/search.css", true)##
The page has worked, but what can be wrong now.
The page itself is not changed from the distribution?
I seem to have a problem with the search ever since I upgraded to 2.3. First
off it fails to load the html macro. This is a known issue. I have
repeatedly imported the Main.WebSearch page from the default 2.3 wiki with
no success. After manually adding a new line after the {hmtl} in question
the page renders. But now if I search on something (I have to manually
delete the 'Search..' string in the search box first) I will see the result
list flash by momentarily only to have that wiped and …
[View More]presented with the
empty search page again.
Did something go wrong with my upgrade or what could have happened since no
one else seems to experience this? Everything else seems to work as expected
from what I've tried.
Also, after fixing the Main.WebSearch page I did an import again and now I'm
back to the failed macro message again.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/XE-2-3-and-search-tp5043839p5043839.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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I installed a new wiki farm from XWM 2.3 and created some virtual wikis.
The implementation is with jetty and mysql on a SuseLinux box.
I imported the relative xem-wiki-administrator.2.3.xar in the main wiki and
a xe-wiki-2.3.xar in an empty virtual wiki. After some problems about DNS
mapping, the thing now seems to work, I can access the main wiki and the
virtual ones.
Now I noticed that the Annotation feature (that should be present and
working both in the main wiki and in the virtual …
[View More]wiki) does work in the main
wiki, but not in the virtual wiki.
If I log in in the virtual one (with admin privileges) I can see in the wiki
admin page that the Annotation section in the Preferences is there, can be
edited, but nothing changes. The fact is that, rather than saying that the
feature doesn't work, I should say I can't see even the icon in the toolbar,
so it is not accessible and not working.
Any known issues?
It is a smart feature so I would like to use it.
Thanks for any advice.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/XEM-farm-and-Annotation-tp5051247p5051247…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Hello there!
I'm trying to create a macro that would allow the user to use the automatic
numbering "power".
I used this code:
#set ($context.tocNumbered = true)
#set ($context.tocData = $tdoc.getTOC(1, 6, true))
to create the macro.
I created the macro. However, when I tried to use it, it just didnt seem
work. After a little time searching I found the problem, or not...
Maybe there's something related to the version in which I'm creating and
using the macro. Either 2.0 or 1.0.
I've seen …
[View More]this issue which is related to the fact I pointed above:
Any clues?
Thank you very much,
[View Less]
Hello all!
Is it possible to completely replace the xwiki wysiwyg editor? For instance,
use the http://ckeditor.com/demo. If so, how should I procede? Will the work
be almost impossible?
Thank you in advance,
I really love the look and use of the xwiki products, but the lack of
documentation and broken functionality is very frustrating. After finally
getting smtp authorisation working in Enterprize I find the email which is
generated is not forming URLs properly - grrr.
So now I'm back to exploring Workspaces milestone 1.2 and I have found that
setting Public Registration to Allow or Deny makes no difference -
registration is just a matter of supplying a name and email address and
you're in. No …
[View More]admin approval required. This is not acceptable for an admin
setup intended for staff only.
Can anyone explain to me how this might be fixed please?
Chris Ellis
Lorne-Aireys Inlet P-12 College
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I just upgraded our internal WIKI to the latest version of XWiki Enterprise v.2.3.
We were previously using XWIKI enterprise version 1.7
The upgrade went smoothly and everything was migrated. However, the WYSIWYG editor for XWiki syntax 2.0 is not working. When trying to create or edit a page in XWiki syntax 2.0, the WYSIWYG never loads. The WYSIWYG for syntax version 1.0 is working fine.
I have also noticed tons of Javascript error when trying to load the wysiwyg:
[View More]Erreur : aucun élément trouvé
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/bin/cancel/CSIL/NTPControllerInfo…
Ligne : 1
Erreur : missing ; before statement
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 1439, Colonne : 25
Code Source :
function aFc(){return qb(){return oRc}
Erreur : missing ; before statement
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 2440, Colonne : 5
Code Source :
Erreur : missing ( before formal parameters
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 3105, Colonne : 11
Code Source :
function He);g8(new d8,a,b);a.F[NNc]=xPc;return a}
Erreur : missing ; before statement
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 3568, Colonne : 28
Code Source :
function nq(a){his,a,~~Kub(a))}
Erreur : missing ) in parenthetical
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 3909, Colonne : 104
Code Source :
function Wkc(a){var b;Ztb(s2c,(b=$wnd.isc.EventHandler.getKey(),b==undefined?null:b))&&SVb(this.f,(Lurn b}
Erreur : missing ) after argument list
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 4168, Colonne : 111
Code Source :
function wOb(a,b,c){var d,e;d=a.e.qg(b);if(d){e=d.F.value;d.F.value=c;return e}else{d=D7(new B7,t(ftb(),etb)[b];!c&&(c=etb[b]=Xsb(new Vsb,a));return c}return Xsb(new Vsb,a)}
Erreur : syntax error
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 4370, Colonne : 122
Code Source :
function YGb(a){var b,c,d;b=0;c=a.previousSibling;d=a.nextSibling;while(!!c&&!!d){++b;c=c.previousSibling;d=d.nextSibling},b.getAttribute(oWc)||xKc);default:return true;}}
Erreur : syntax error
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 4525, Colonne : 32
Code Source :
function mhc(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g;){e=zxb(f);e.parentNode.replaceChild((hr(),d).createElement($Vc),e)}}
Erreur : syntax error
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 4636, Colonne : 123
Code Source :
function h6(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;if(a.b==b){return}if(b<0){throw Bsb(new ysb,fPc+b)}if(a.b>b){for(c=0;c<a.c;++c){for(d=for(c=0;c<a.c;++c){for(d=a.b;d<b;++d){i=a.d.rows[c];h=(j=(hr(),$doc).createElement(QOc),j.innerHTML=gPc,j);zU(i,h,d)}}}a.b=b}
Erreur : illegal character
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 4713, Colonne : 46
Code Source :
function SGc(b,c,d,e){var a,g,h,i,j;i=fY++;!!$
Erreur : illegal character
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 4764, Colonne : 46
Code Source :
function z9b(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,w,x,y,z,
Erreur : illegal character
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 4769, Colonne : 237
Code Source :
$Oc='Column index: ',TSc='Columns',mOc='Composite.initWidget() may only be called once.',bSc='Confirm',NTc='Contacting Server...',dQc='Content',nMc='Content-Type',iXc='Content-type',dTc='Copy Level',B2c='Create Link',S_c='Current page',y
Erreur : illegal character
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 4772, Colonne : 174
Code Source :
otype=new Ngb;_.vc=Lhb;_.gC=Mhb;_.Cc=Nhb;_.yc=Ohb;_.Ac=Phb;_.Bc=Rhb;_.Dc=Shb;_.Ec=Thb;_.tI=118;_=Uhb.prototype=new nhb;_.gC=Xhb;_.tI=119;_=$hb.prototype=new Rv;_.gC=aib;_.tI=
Erreur : illegal character
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 4775, Colonne : 112
Code Source :
_.Hh=tzc;_.tI=0;var ozc=null;_=uzc.prototype=new iSb;_.Qf=xzc;_.gC=yzc;_.Fi=zzc;_.tI=0;_.d=null;_.e=null;_.f=nul
Erreur : Rrb is not defined
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe/C9…
Ligne : 4778
Erreur : aucun élément trouvé
Fichier Source : http://bupsbugzilla.cogeco.com:8080/xwiki/bin/lock/CSIL/NTPControllerInfo?a…
Ligne : 1
Please help on solving this issue.
Christian Dionne
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Cogeco Cable operates under various legal entities and, except as specifically provided herein, this communication cannot be attributed to any given entity or be regarded as a statement of any given entity. The information in this message, including in all attachments, is confidential or privileged. In the event you have received this message in error and are not the intended recipient, you are hereby advised that any use, copying or reproduction of this document is strictly forbidden. Please notify immediately the sender of this error and destroy this message, including its attachments, as the case may be.
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I have taken my Xwiki site and have exported it to HTML. I have a table of
contents at the top of each page with autogenerates based on the Headers on
the page. These TOC links work correctly when clicked, they take you to the
appropriate header within the page.
Within the text of the page though, if a link is inserted referencing a
header, it works fine in the wiki, but when exported to HTML the URL is
For example: A link within a page should be:
[View More]html#H<Header Name>"
Is instead rendered as:
"xwiki.Main.<PageName>#H<Header Name>.html"
This results in a link that does not function correctly.
Has anyone seen this problem? Is there a way to fix this other than to
search all of the files and manually edit them?
I am using Xwiki Enterprise
Thanks for any help you can provide.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Problem-with-links-to-Headers-after-expor…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Hi all,
I have a page "Child" in with Space A(A.Child), with parent "A.Main".
Now I would like to copy this page to Space B, so it becomes "B.Child with
parent "B.Main".
But when I copy page using copy function in UI or using
"xwiki.xWiki.copyDocument", "B.Child" 's parent is always "A.Main".
What could I do to acheive my expected result, "B.Main"? Since I would like
to use marco to copy multiple pages, I hope I could find a solution besides
manually modifying the pages.
Thank you so much …
[View More]for you help!
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Question-about-parent-child-page-tp504517…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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