Dear xwiki-community,
Thank you for helping me sofar, getting my XWiki up and running. This
weekend I noticed that I could not login from my home computer. Here's what
I've found out:
Loggin in from a computer within the same network works; logging in from a
different network fails, resulting in the following error in xwiki.log:
2010-12-06 11:26:24,663
xwiki.MyPersistentLoginManager - Login cookie validation hash mismatch!
Cookies have been tampered with
I have the following authentication settings in my xwiki.cfg:
xwiki.authentication.validationKey=<set to random string>
xwiki.authentication.encryptionKey=<set to random string>
I'm running XWiki 2.6 on Tomcat6. Thanks for the help.
Best wishes,
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Hi XWikiers,
We have written a software specification (SRD) inside our wiki. This
specification is a set of pages with graphics (as attached images) and
mockups (using Balsamiq Mockups).
Now, we want to communicate easily this specification to our external
partner and, of course, they can't access our wiki (intranet only).
Our first idea was to produce a document (PDF). We try to use the PDF export
but it seems that the inclusion of the children pages doesn't work. Other
problem with PDF (with a unique page), the included images don't appear.
Just for info, we are using the last 2.7 release of XWiki.
So, do you have encountered the same need and how did you solve it ? Do
XWord may help ? Other idea ?
Thanks for your response.
First of all I want say Hello to all the community.
I'm newbie of XWiki and wiki in general; I'm trying to start a enterprise
wiki and I choose XWiki after many consideration.
To create a clean and organized wiki I want give to the users the
possibility of create page starting from some template.
Previously, I use PbWiki and this platform offer some template by default,
- blank template
- meeting (to schedule meetings)
- press release
- project
- to do list
and so on.
I have see the LINK
that explain that purpose, but what I want to do is offer to the users a
choice from a list of templates to start from.
Have you some help to me?
Thank you
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Hi everyone,
I'm running XEM based on XE 2.6.33077 with several wikis which behave
normally. However, I get plenty of exceptions in the log files such as
the one below. I checked what could be wrong with the documents having
an attached XWikiServerClass instance but I cannot find anything
suspect, and, again, the wikis seem to behave perfectly well.
Do you have any idea why I get this exception and how I can stop having
it raised?
ERROR wikimanager.WikiManagerPluginApi - Wiki [xwiki_edos] alias cant be
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.wikimanager.WikiManagerException: Error number
50034 in 5: com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.wikimanager.WikiManagerPlugin: Wiki
alias [xwiki_edos] document does not exist
Wrapped Exception: Error number 2 in 2: xwiki_edos object does not exist
Error number 2 in 2: xwiki_edos object does not exist
Thanks and cheers
Stéphane Laurière
Dear all,
I'm trying to extend a FAQ application from the tutorial on xwiki site.
I would like to add some FAQ entries from the external file in an automated or semi-automated way.
In the FAQ example there are: question, answer fields for every FAQ entry. Is it possible to add new entries
basing on the external data user provided ?
like to take a data from a text area in a form like:
"question1", "answer1"
"question2", "answer2"
and then create 2 new FAQ objects ?
I've found such a code snippet and fixed it to have:
## Create an object
#set($obj = $doc.newObject("FAQ.FAQClass"))
$obj.set("answer", "a1")
## Save the object in the page
Even with that it fails to add new object to the existing list. Any clues how to accomplish that ?
Just to recap, I have two questions :
1. Could someone provide a code snippet, or point me to a documentation on creating/adding new objects in
the xwiki ( like how to set parentSpace, basic fields in that object and add it to the xwiki database ).
2. Are there any scenarios on importing data in to the XWiki ( would like to inject a lot of FAQ entries at
once, tried to do that directly to the database but that failed, I guess I should do that via velocity code ? ).
Thanks a lot for any help :)
Sergiu Dumitriu wrote ..
> Try this:
> {{html clean="false"}}
> <fieldset>
> <input type="hidden" name="classname" value="XWiki.XWikiComments" />
> <textarea name="XWiki.XWikiComments_comment" rows="5" cols="80"></textarea>
> <input type="submit" name="action_objectadd" value="Send comment"/>
> </fieldset>
> {{/html}}
Fantastic. Thanks. I should have thought to look at the comments...
> The trick is the name of the submit button. action_objectadd instructs
> the server to ignore the action specified in the URL where the form was
> submitted, and instead to use the action that's specified after the
> "action_" part, in this case "objectadd". This special form parameter
> gets submitted only when clicking the "Send comment" button.
Out of interest where is that caught, I'd like to take a look at the
processing. If you're pretty busy don't worry - I'll probably
grep around in the files or code till I find it anyway!
Hi -
I see that XWiki Enterprise 3.0 Milestone 1 was just released a week ago.
I also found the roadmap at
I can't tell from the announcement however what the intended use is...
Is this something that is likely to blow up ("alpha" quality)?
At what point in the roadmap does it make
sense for a new install to try a 3.0.x release instead of 2.x release?
In addition to stability of the software, what about stability of any
APIs - are those frozen in M1?
If I adopt M1, will M2 automatically upgrade from M1, or are automatic
upgrades only assured for migration from a stable 2.x release?
When 3.0 final is out, will work on 2.7 basically stop?
Will the current release of XWord work with XE 3.0M1?
Regarding extensions, the listing at
says nothing about version compatibility. I'm guessing that because of the velocity upgrade,
trying any extension with heavy velocity usage would be a gamble with XE 3.0M1 ?
Or is there an automatic "smoke test" report somewhere of what extensions are
certain to not work?
Sorry for all the questions, but I seem to have hit xwiki at a cusp in its lifecycle
so I'm in a quandary about which version to start with.
I am trying to use getTOC, but unfortunately, my example always returns zero
#foreach($key in $tree.entrySet())
* $key.value.text
Can somebody help me with syntax? What's I doing wrong?
Thanks beforehand!
Eugen Colesnicov
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I am trying to deploy xwiki on JBoss 5 using HSQL database. I have followed the Installation steps. When i start JBoss , it is unable to deploy xwiki.war . The other wars in the application are however deployed. The error message is given below.Please help.---------------08:12:19,078 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/, vfsUrl=ROOT.war08:12:19,397 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/docs, vfsUrl=docs.war08:12:19,508 WARN [config] Unable to process deployment descriptor for context '/docs'08:12:23,794 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/jmx-console, vfsUrl=jmx-console.war08:12:24,313 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/logs, vfsUrl=logs.war08:12:24,619 WARN [config] Unable to process deployment descriptor for context '/logs'08:12:24,842 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/reports, vfsUrl=reports.war08:12:24,969 WARN [config] Unable to process deployment descriptor for context '/reports'08:12:25,311 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/updates, vfsUrl=updates.war08:12:25,402 WARN [config] Unable to process deployment descriptor for context '/updates'08:12:26,303 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/xwiki-enterprise-web-2.7, vfsUrl=xwiki-enterprise-web-2.7.war08:12:52,272 ERROR [Reflections] could not create Vfs.Dir from url. ignoring the exception and continuingorg.reflections.ReflectionsException: could not create Vfs.Dir from url, no matching UrlType was found [vfszip:/F:/gid_1/jboss/server/default/deploy/xwiki-enterprise-web-2.7.war/WEB-INF/lib/xbean-reflect-3.4.jar/META-INF/maven/]either use fromur-l(final URL url, final List<UrlType> urlTypes) or use the static setDefaultURLTypes(final List<UrlType> urlTypes) or addDefaultURLTypes(UrlType urlType) with your specialized UrlType. at org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.fromur-l( at org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.fromur-l( at org.reflections.Reflections.scan( at org.reflections.Reflections.<init>( at org.xwiki.extension.repository.internal.DefaultCoreExtensionRepository.loadExtensions( at org.xwiki.extension.repository.internal.DefaultCoreExtensionRepository.initialize( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.createInstance( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.initialize( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.lookup( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.createInstance( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.initialize( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.lookupList( at org.xwiki.component.internal.DefaultComponentManager.lookupList( at org.xwiki.observation.internal.DefaultObservationManager.initialize( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.createInstance( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.initialize( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.lookup( at org.xwiki.container.servlet.XWikiServletContextListener.contextInitialized( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start( at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.deployers.TomcatDeployment.performDeployInternal( at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.deployers.TomcatDeployment.performDeploy( at org.jboss.web.deployers.AbstractWarDeployment.start( at org.jboss.web.deployers.WebModule.startModule( at org.jboss.web.deployers.WebModule.start( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at at at at at at org.jboss.system.microcontainer.ServiceProxy.invoke( at $Proxy36.start(Unknown Source) at org.jboss.system.microcontainer.StartStopLifecycleAction.installAction( at org.jboss.system.microcontainer.StartStopLifecycleAction.installAction( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.action.SimpleControllerContextAction.simpleInstallAction( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.action.AccessControllerContextAction.install( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractControllerContextActions.install( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractControllerContext.install( at org.jboss.system.microcontainer.ServiceControllerContext.install( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.install( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.incrementState( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.resolveContexts( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.resolveContexts( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.change( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.change( at org.jboss.system.ServiceController.doChange( at org.jboss.system.ServiceController.start( at org.jboss.system.deployers.ServiceDeployer.start( at org.jboss.system.deployers.ServiceDeployer.deploy( at org.jboss.system.deployers.ServiceDeployer.deploy( at org.jboss.deployers.spi.deployer.helpers.AbstractSimpleRealDeployer.internalDeploy( at org.jboss.deployers.spi.deployer.helpers.AbstractRealDeployer.deploy( at org.jboss.deployers.plugins.deployers.DeployerWrapper.deploy( at org.jboss.deployers.plugins.deployers.DeployersImpl.doDeploy( at org.jboss.deployers.plugins.deployers.DeployersImpl.doInstallParentFirst( at org.jboss.deployers.plugins.deployers.DeployersImpl.doInstallParentFirst( at org.jboss.deployers.plugins.deployers.DeployersImpl.install( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractControllerContext.install( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.install( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.incrementState( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.resolveContexts( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.resolveContexts( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.change( at org.jboss.dependency.plugins.AbstractController.change( at org.jboss.deployers.plugins.deployers.DeployersImpl.process( at org.jboss.deployers.plugins.main.MainDeployerImpl.process( at org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.ProfileServiceBootstrap.loadProfile( at org.jboss.system.server.profileservice.ProfileServiceBootstrap.start( at org.jboss.bootstrap.AbstractServerImpl.start( at org.jboss.Main.boot( at org.jboss.Main$ at,277 ERROR [Reflections] could not create Vfs.Dir from url. ignoring the exception and continuingorg.reflections.ReflectionsException: could not create Vfs.Dir from url, no matching UrlType was found [vfszip:/F:/gid_1/jboss/server/default/deploy/xwiki-enterprise-web-2.7.war/WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-core-rendering-macro-groovy-2.7.jar/META-INF/maven/]either use fromur-l(final URL url, final List<UrlType> urlTypes) or use the static setDefaultURLTypes(final List<UrlType> urlTypes) or addDefaultURLTypes(UrlType urlType) with your specialized UrlType. at org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.fromur-l( at org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.fromur-l( at org.reflections.Reflections.scan( at org.reflections.Reflections.<init>( at org.xwiki.extension.repository.internal.DefaultCoreExtensionRepository.loadExtensions( at org.xwiki.extension.repository.internal.DefaultCoreExtensionRepository.initialize( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.createInstance( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.initialize( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.lookup( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.createInstance( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.initialize( at org.xwiki.component.em-bed.em-beddableComponentManager.lookupList( at org.xwiki.component.internal.DefaultComponentManager.lookupList( at org.xwiki.observation.internal.DefaultObservatio.............................................