The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager 3.0.
Go grab them at
This is the first release of the 3.x cycle. Conforming to the general
themes of the 3.x cycle, a lot of features have been polished and
improved, and a few new features have been introduced as well. The
highlights of this release are:
* Twitter-like messaging and networking inside the wiki,
* a new filesystem storage for attachments which allows huge attachments
to be uploaded without requiring a lot of memory or database storage,
* improved dashboard editing,
* better cross-browser support and improved functionality for the
WYSIWYG editor,
* a revamped UI for administration, improved office presentation import
with a new gallery macro,
* live suggestions for the search input,
* a new UI for changing user avatars.
On the developers' front, we've made it easier to reuse the XWiki
rendering engine outside our own codebase, by extracting two new top
level projects:
* XWiki Commons, holding generic modules not tied to the rest of the
* XWiki Rendering, holding all the XWiki-independent modules of the
rendering engine.
We've setup a Jira dashboard ( ) to
present the work done for the whole 3.0 release. In summary, 510 issues
have been closed by 14 committers (and other contributors providing
patches), out of which 236 are fixed bugs.
For more information, see the full release notes for XWiki Enterprise
3.0 (…
) and XWiki Enterprise Manager 3.0 ( ).
-The XWiki dev team
Hi all!
I'm still struggling to understand how expanded/collapsed state of
panels do work.
I'm currently using a 2.4.30451 XE/XEM installation.
Looking for macros controlling this state in macros.vm, I see:
#macro(panelheader $title)
#set($cookieName = "${context.user.replaceAll(':','')}_${panel}")
#set($expanded = $xwiki.getUserPreferenceFromCookie($cookieName))
#set($expanded = 'expanded')
## Note: We pass the Panel name as an HTML class attribute so that it's
possible to style
## the Panels selectively using CSS.
#set ($specialClassAttribute = "")
#if ($paneldoc && $paneldoc != "")
#set ($specialClassAttribute =
<div class="panel $expanded $specialClassAttribute">
<h1 class="xwikipaneltitle"
<div class="xwikipanelcontents">
This macro creates an expanded panel. By clicking the panel title, the
system creates a cookie that stores her current state.
But if I modify this macro and says...
#set($expanded = 'collapsed')
No macro is created and panels are always collapsed when loaded and
after relaoding.
Please, could you me understand why?
Thank you so much!!!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems