Many of our users use copy and past from windows (or mac) to bring textsnippets into the wiki
In the display it looks fine, but when you edit the wiki, not the wysywig editor, there is a lot of <span>, ((())) or sometimes even <html> tags.
Is it possible to configure the editor (or something else) that it is only possible to paste UTF ascii text without any styling (!) (so it must be dummy-proof)
Or better, to automatically convert styles that we allow; like bold, italic, underline, upper, lower...
Xwiki 3.1. Latest XEM works fine, deploys wiki farms - no problem.
All attempts to make applications running on wiki-farm failed (e.g. Annotations).
Documentation keeping silence, or I'm missing something. :-(
Is there any way to make applications running on non-main wikis?
Is there a way to install application in main wiki and "grant permission" to be used in specific wiki-farm?
Thanks a lot in advance
Dmitry Bakbardin
I am out of the office until 09/06/2011.
Relaxing on what's left of Virginia Beach! If you have a question about
Dobro, please contact Jenny Purushotma. If you have a question about
Netezza, please contact Diane Paige. If this is a true emergency, please
call my cell. Thank you! :-)
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