Hello xwiki community,
I'm playing with the new (and wonderful) xwiki 3.5, and as I'm playing I'm
adding extensions ... and values in the internationalization bundles list.
Problem is, I reached the limit, and can't add new bundles anymore because
of :
Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Data truncation: Data too long for
column 'XWP_DOCUMENT_BUNDLES' at row 1
It seems that (MySql) this field is varchar(255). Problem is that this limit
is easily reached when you add applications (and I use it also for my own
apps ...).
Would it be possible to extend this limitation ? can I alter this
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Translations-field-length-tp7336167p73361…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi everybody,
Sorry to jump into the list wihtout googling too much!
Please, is there any easy way to count the occurance of a string in a XWiki page content?
I found examples for looping through a text looking for a given string using, for instance, Velocity. Please, is there some method/function that could give us this result "out of the box"?
Thank you so much for your help!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Research Management and Promotion Technician
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
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I'm trying to get the values of two fields from xwikiattahment table with this HQL query:
select att.filename,att.date from xwiki.xwikiattachment att, xwiki.xwikidoc doc where doc.fullName='Event.IIXornadaIDIS' and att.filename like '%abstract%' and att.date > '2012-03-01' and att.docId=doc.id order by att.filename;
The query fails. When used to get only one field, it works fine. For instance...
select att.date from xwiki.xwikiattachment att, xwiki.xwikidoc doc where doc.fullName='Event.IIXornadaIDIS' and att.filename like '%abstract%' and att.date > '2012-03-01' and att.docId=doc.id order by att.filename;
select att.filename from xwiki.xwikiattachment att, xwiki.xwikidoc doc where doc.fullName='Event.IIXornadaIDIS' and att.filename like '%abstract%' and att.date > '2012-03-01' and att.docId=doc.id order by att.filename;
and, the SQL equivalent to the in troubles query works also fine. This way...
select att.XWA_FILENAME,att.XWA_DATE from xwiki.xwikiattachment att, xwiki.xwikidoc doc
where doc.XWD_FULLNAME='Event.IIXornadaIDIS' and att.XWA_FILENAME like '%abstract%' and att.XWA_DATE > '2012-03-01' and att.XWA_DOC_ID=doc.XWD_ID order by att.XWA_FILENAME;
Please, where am I wrong when trying select att.filename,att.date from xwiki.xwikiattachment att,...?
I'm running XWiki Enterprise 2.4.30451.
Thanks for your help!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Research Management and Promotion Technician
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
Nota: A información contida nesta mensaxe e os seus posibles documentos adxuntos é privada e confidencial e está dirixida únicamente ó seu destinatario/a. Se vostede non é o/a destinatario/a orixinal desta mensaxe, por favor elimínea. A distribución ou copia desta mensaxe non está autorizada.
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See more languages: http://www.sergas.es/aviso_confidencialidad.htm
Hi XWiki Users,
I have defined a template page and the associated termplate provider.
All is functional: the template selection popup shows up when a new
page is created.
Now, I try to build a link (using Velocity) that will create a new
page from the template. Any idea ?
After upgrading to XWiki 3.5 (from 2.6) I noticed that the Lucene search
index was not working properly. On advice I got in the #xwiki IRC chat, I
shut down the server (Tomcat), deleted the Lucene index directory, and
restarted the server. Only about 300 of the thousands of pages were
indexed at that point. I tried re-indexing using the Admin->Search page,
but every time I do that the Admin->Search page gets 'stuck' (won't render).
I saw no errors in the catalina.out log file, and I configured
WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml to enable some more logging to a separate
file... still nothing very informative.
Any ideas what I can do to troubleshoot this? I'm guessing there's some
page in my wiki database that is causing the re-index process to get stuck.
Thanks in advance,
- Josh
As a workaround I tried to inject the stylesheets needed via Plugin.
AbstractSkinExtensionPlugin cssplugin =
(AbstractSkinExtensionPlugin) xwiki.getPlugin("ssfx", context);
But it failed.
On the other hand,
AbstractSkinExtensionPlugin jsplugin =
(AbstractSkinExtensionPlugin) xwiki.getPlugin("jsfx", context);
worked as expected.