Hi everybody,
I am working on some brainstorming about the future of the XWiki REST API...
The starting point, of course, would be to understand who is using it,
how she's using it (i.e., for which use cases), what are the problems
she has encoutered and which kind of feature she would like to see in
the API.
So, if you have worked/interacted/built something with the REST API it
would be great to have your feedback.
i downloaded the xwiki-application-watchlist-1.35.xar from link
even after importing this xar , i do not see watch space/ watch page/watch
wiki options when i hover/click over space/page/wiki . Is there
any extra configuration i need to do(i already tried restarting my
webserver but did n't help)?
i have included couple of RSS feeds on a page. But when i go to that page
that takes lot of time to load(around 20 secs). I understand that it
is happening becuase of inclusion of RSS feed. I think what happens is
everytime i click on that page, it brings the fresh content
from RSS subscribed sites. My question is can we configure the time
frequency so that RSS feeds are fetched after certain specified
time not everytime on click of that page. It will improve the performance a
Here is my code that included RSS feed under tabs.If we can specify the
time frequency ,it would be great. If it is not possible
can we bring the RSS content of only site mentioned under first tab. Now if
user further clicks on second tab, content for that rss
feed is fetched that time itself instead of fetching contents of all rss
feed sites at a time(or if we can make the fetching
RSS feed contents asynchronously it would be amazing without imapceting
page loading).
{{tabs idsToLabels="tabId1=Martin Fowler, tabId2=Coding Horror"/}}
(% id="tabId1" %)
{{box cssClass="tabId1div"}}{{/box}}
{{rss feed="http://martinfowler.com/feed.atom" content="yes" width="100%"/}}
(% id="tabId2" %)
{{box cssClass="tabId2div"}}{{/box}}
{{rss feed="http://feeds.feedburner.com/codinghorror/" content="yes"
our existing xwiki is running under Xwiki Enterprise version 1.5.11446
(very old).
I am evaluating XWiki 5.0.1 with a local standalone installation.
I would like to import all pages of a very old XWiki with the pages
being in xwiki 1.0 format. Exporting the pages to a *.xar file and
importing this in the 5.0.1 installation didn't work. There were no
error messages, but no content was shown during import.
The I created a simple test page in the old Xwiki in XWiki 2.0 format.
This could not be imported into XWiki 5.0.1, either.
What did work, is to copy the content of one page of the old xwiki in
the browser view and insert it in the wysiwyg editor of a newly
created page in the new xwiki. But this would have to be done for
every single page and I didn't test it with more complex pages with
tables and images.
Any idea how to import very old pages in the current version of XWiki?
Thanks in advance
Matthias Albert
Rastatter Straße 26
76199 Karlsruhe
Tel. 0721 885744
Email: matthias.albert(a)gmx.de
Hi everybody !
I'm using this method to send HTML mails :
xwiki.mailsender.sendHtmlMessage(...) in a groovy script and it works
perfectly, but I have trouble with pictures.
Indeed, in the content of my mail, I have a <img> tag with a "src"
attribute pointing on a picture located on my xwiki.
When i'm logged on my XWiki, I can see the pictures when I open my
When I'm not logged on XWiki, I can't see pictures beacause I suppose
I need authentication : does somebody know how I could do to solve this
? I think I have to send a HTTP Authorization Header in the content of
HTML mail in order to reach the picture but I don't know how to do, I
've tried with "http-equiv" in the <meta> tag but no success.
Thanks for your help !
Regards, Pierrick
Would it be possible to use Arab language on XWiki? If so, has it been done?
What would it take to be able to write pages in Arab?
And what to have the XWiki present itself in Arab?
I have integrated xwiki with active directory it works great. I want user
should be able to edit their profile only not anybody else.
Now if i give Admin rights on Xwiki space to XwikiAllGroup, active
directory user can edit any user profile and lot of other stuff under xwiki
space which i do not want. If i don't give Admin rights on Xwiki space to
XwikiAllGroup, in that case user can not edit his profile also.
So whats the right way to configure so that user can edit his profile only?
Hello fellow xwiki experts,
I know it is a shame to run such an old xwiki but sometimes, you have to. This is xwiki 1.5.4 which I deployed as a webapp inside a tomcat 6.
While a very similar instance runs flawlessly, this one says:
> Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.PluginApi.ajc$privFieldGet$com_xpn_xwiki_plugin_PluginApiAspect$com_xpn_xwiki_plugin_PluginApi$plugin(Lcom/xpn/xwiki/plugin/PluginApi;)Lcom/xpn/xwiki/plugin/XWikiPluginInterface;
> at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.PluginApiAspect.ajc$interMethod$com_xpn_xwiki_plugin_PluginApiAspect$com_xpn_xwiki_plugin_PluginApi$getPlugin(PluginApiAspect.aj:36)
> at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.PluginApi.getPlugin(PluginApi.java:1)
> at org.curriki.xwiki.plugin.lucene.ResourcesSearchCursor.next(ResourcesSearchCursor.java:416)
I don't think adding such a method makes any sense.
I just don't know how to dig things around so that the potential clash is removed (I suspect a config file wrongly loaded somehow).
With -verbose:class, all "Aspect" are loaded from the same jar.
thanks in advance.
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki 5.1 Milestone 2.
This release brings automatic Solr indexing with locale inheritance
and a few bug fixes and improvements.
You can download it here:
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download (please allow a few
hours for the binaries to propagate to the download servers if the
download doesn't work yet)
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team