Hey all,
I'm running my very first xwiki installation and came across a small issue I
can't seem to be able to resolve with my limited experience of the product:
I need to restrict (registered) users' permission to see the user directory
to a specific group only ie. nobody else will be able to see the list of
registered users.
What I tried first was to restrict users' access to the User Directory page
but that doesn't really help since it only restricts access to that page -
not to users' profiles. You can simply manually hack the desired username in
the URL and get to see that user's profile.
How should I proceed?
Petteri Lyytinen
CTO / Celeg Hannas OÜ
Today i ran the maven build on xwiki project(intention is to build my
single sign on class ) but
maven is not find the artifact *xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar* in nexus
repository.I am not
getting whats the issue(as i was able to build the project some months
back). below is the error
Could not find artifact
in xwiki-snapshots (
http://nexus.xwiki.org/nexus/content/groups/public-snapshots) -> [Help
Has the artifact xwiki-platform-legacy-oldcore:jar:4.0 been removed from
i'd like to rename the header of my blog categories.
Right now it's called "Sheet for displaying blog categories"
Where can I change that? I tried everything.
Thanks for your help!
i wonder if i could use the login realm of xwiki for other applications
to enable single sign on mechanisms with xwiki as storage for the users.
Thank you
Andreas Niekler, Dipl. Ing. (FH)
NLP Group | Department of Computer Science
University of Leipzig
Johannisgasse 26 | 04103 Leipzig
mail: aniekler(a)informatik.uni-leipzig.deg.de
I want to show an information text when a user is editing a page. Is there
any plug-in or suggestion how to do that? Perhaps a side panel or something?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Show-information-while-editing-a-page-tp7…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'm new in the XWiki-Application and I want to allow Users (not Admins) ONLY
to create a new Page in a Space. This Users mustn't edit one or two already
existing Pages, but have to edit other ones in this Space. They mustn't edit
the dashboard or something else. ONLY creating new Pages.
Thanks a lot
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Create-New-Page-Not-allow-editing-existin…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi guys,
I am looking for a macro, application or code snippet showing the activity
evaluation of users
Maybe a table or a list showing how many logins, how many page visits and
contributions per user
Could you direct me
Thanks !
Hi All
We have just installed XWIKI XEM Enterprise 5.1 and we are accessing xwiki
using the url: wiki.geo.com:8080/xem
We create few sub wikis by clicking Create Wiki but url of these subwiki
shows as http://localhost:8080/xem/wiki/development ,
http://localhost:8080/xem/wiki/admins etc.
We can access these by replacing localhost with our domain name wiki.geo.com
So please let us know how we can configure xwiki to use domain name as
wiki.geo.com so while creating wikis its default takes as
Please anyone help us on it.