Is there a way to specify a particular page within the TOC macro. I
want to use the TOC in one page, generating it for a secondary page - so
my TOC and my content end up being separate pages.
Paul Pinkerton
KnowledgeNow Project Lead
pinkerp(a) <>
Association of Community Legal Clinics of Ontario
416-847-1418 or 1-866-965-1416x 5177 <>
I have an App Within Minutes app that I am trying to add a page to. I am
attempting to add the page directly to the class using the class wizard. I
am assuming that by using the property type "Page", that I add the page that
way (please see example from image).
I do not understand which of these fields under my "testPage" will be used
to provide a path to the page. I put the page name in the XWiki Class Name
field, but that did not work.
I was expecting the actual page to show up embedded in an entry I am editing
or creating (as do other property I use from this wizard like Static Lists,
String, and Database Lists), but it is not show up.
I hope I have been coherent in communicating what I am trying to do. Any
help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Hello XWiki fellows,
I have almost succeeded at a page to send mails to the users.
Now I would like to wire this as a replacement of the "user message" feature which seems not very useful in my situation (shouldn't this be called "status update" ?).
Which code could I adjust to replace this profile-page insert?
thanks in advance.
> Seems you've been unlucky… It's been working well for a lot of us. Would
> be interesting to find out what happened in your case… Would have been
> interesting to just refresh the page to see if it helped.
> What version of XWiki have you installed?
I upgraded 4.3-MILESTONE 1 to 5.1
XEM 4.3. Attempt to install Freemind Macro to the sub-wiki via sub-wiki's Extension Manager:
Resolving extension [fmancinelli:freemind-macro-1.0] on namespace [wiki:staff]
Admin right is required to install extension [fmancinelli:freemind-macro-1.0] on namespace [wiki:staff]
The problem is: user is Global and has programming rights. Is it expected behaviour or bug?
Error details are following:
class org.xwiki.extension.InstallException: Failed to resolve extension at org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.AbstractInstallPlanJob.installExtension( at org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.AbstractInstallPlanJob.installExtension( at org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.AbstractInstallPlanJob.installExtension( at org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.AbstractInstallPlanJob.start( at org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.InstallPlanJob.start( at org.xwiki.job.AbstractJob.start( at at Caused by: class org.xwiki.extension.InstallException: Admin right is required to install extension [fmancinelli:freemind-macro-1.0] on namespace [wiki:staff] at org.xwiki.extension.xar.internal.handler.XarExtensionHandler.checkInstall( at org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.AbstractInstallPlanJob.installExtension( at org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.AbstractInstallPlanJob.installExtension( at org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.AbstractInstallPlanJob.installExtension( at org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.AbstractInstallPlanJob.installExtension( at org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.AbstractInstallPlanJob.start( at org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.InstallPlanJob.start( at org.xwiki.job.AbstractJob.start( at at
Kind regards,
I want to run the ActivityStreamCleanerJob (com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/activitystream/impl/ within the Job Scheduler Application. I knew I had it running a while ago and it worked, but despite the same configuration it doesn't anymore. When I take a look at the database table activitystream_events nothing seems to be deleted.
What I did:
* installed Scheduler Job (as admin) as mentioned on the extension site
* created a new Job with following parameters
o Job Name: ActivityStreamCleaner
o Job Class: com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.activitystream.impl.ActivityStreamCleanerJob
o Status: Normal
o Job Script:
o Cron Expression: 0 29 11 * * ?
o Job execution context user: XWiki.Admin
o Job execution context lang: en
o Job execution context database: xwiki
* checked if scheduler and activitystream plugins are loaded in xwiki.cfg
* set xwiki.plugin.activitystream.daystokeepevents=1 in xwiki.cfg
* unscheduled and scheduled the job again
* triggered it
* tested if other jobs work in general: OK
* tested on different xwiki instances
So do you have any advice, have I something missed out?
I'm in the process of exploring different wikis for a classroom project. I'm a high school teacher and I want my classes to create a wiki of religion.
I'd like a wiki to be created in order to test the XWiki software.
I've registered on XWiki and my user name is lbergeron. The namespace I'd like to have is
Thanks in advance.
Luc Bergeron
Enseignant d'?thique et de culture religieuse
Coll?ge Mont-Saint-Louis
I mapped a LDAP group to the Xwiki group. But Each time if I login it
creates a new entry in the Xwiki group. I logged in five times when I
checked the group members it shows five entries of same user(My name).
Thanks in advance
I have trouble with the tagcloud and the spaces macro:
Unknown macro: spaces
The "spaces" macro is not in the list of registered macros ...
Same for tagcloud.
I have seen some similar issue in JIRA, but that was about the macros not working after an import. For me, these macros did work originally. At some point they stopped working. Unfortunately I can't remember having done anything suspiciuos. I have a XEM environment running, this is only happening in one wiki. (In the important one of course!) It originally occurred in 3.1, updating to 3.4 didn't make any difference.
Any hints greatly appreciated!
I am new to XWiki and I am having problems trying to sort the result of
a Tag search using other Tags. Example: I have a Tag "Photoshop", Click on
the Tag and I get all documents tagged with "Photoshop" but what I want is
to sort them according to their other tags, so it could be Photoshop Header
with Sub Header "Tutorial" and under that could be all the documents. What
I have done till now is:
#set ($tag = "$!{request.get('tag')}")
#set ($list = $xwiki.tag.getDocumentsWithTag($tag))
#set ($list2 = $wiki.tag.getDocumentsWithTag('Tutorial'))
#foreach($doc in $list)
#foreach($doc2 in $list2)
#if($doc.fullName == $doc2.fullname)
I need a way to display *$doc* as it would have been displayed if
> false $blacklistedSpaces) *would accept *$doc*