I have a Facebook like Button on my xwiki instance. When clicking on the
button in facebook the following link is created:
However XWiki can not handle this link correctly. When clicking on it I
get the following error message (it's in german language):
> Hinweis
> Während der Verarbeitung Ihrer Anfrage trat ein Problem auf. Bitte
> verständigen Sie den Webmaster, falls der Fehler erneut auftritt.
How can I solve this problem?
Hi xwikiers,
We are currently discussing the possibiity to move to Java 7 as the
minimum supported version for XWiki (and so build with Java 7,
starting using Java 7 APIs, etc. so yes it won't work anymore on Java
6 at least part of it won't).
How many of you are still using Java 6 and do you think it's OK for
you to do the move when you will upgrade to XWiki 6.x ?
Thomas Mortagne