xwiki-users January 2016

  • 38 participants
  • 71 discussions

[xwiki-users] rerun distribution wizard
by Kelly Steinke
8 years, 3 months

[xwiki-users] hiding breadcrumbs
by ccoreggioli
8 years, 4 months

[xwiki-users] Integrate bpmn-js into xWiki
by carlez
8 years, 5 months

[xwiki-users] [myxwiki] new wiki request
by Jeff Tipton
8 years, 7 months

[xwiki-users] The "zh" Chinese support in XWiki-7.3 is very bad.
by KirbY ZhoU
8 years, 10 months

Re: [xwiki-users] How to avoid nested space?
by vincent@massol.net
8 years, 10 months

[xwiki-users] Mindtouch to Xwiki
by Daniel Tibô
8 years, 11 months

[xwiki-users] RESTful API to create a new object of custom class?
by Ashtar Communications
9 years

[xwiki-users] A tool to convert terminal pages to Nested Pages
by Guillaume "Louis-Marie" Delhumeau
9 years, 1 month

[xwiki-users] XWiki 7.4 Distribution Wizard says: "We couldn't find any extension with id 'org.xwiki.enterprise:xwiki-enterprise-ui-mainwiki' and version '7.4'."
by Frank Thommen
9 years, 1 month
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