In 7.4.1 (standalone installation) I'm trying to create a new skin using A.
and C. in I've a
couple of different variations but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
The steps I followed are:
1. Login as Admin - URL is http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/
2. Edit URL and go to http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/MySkinPage/
3. I see that the page does not exist and follow the 'edit this page' to
create it.
4. Press the Create button and then Save & View.
5. Open the Objects editor and select the XWiki.XWikiSkins class - press Add
6. In the object properties, set the Name to 'My New Skin'
7. Set the base skin to 'flamingo' - Press Save & View.
8. Select the Test this skin link and everything looks fine.
9. Go to Administer Wiki -> Presentation.
10. Set both the Stylesheet and Stylesheets fields to Main.MySkinPage
11. Set the Skin field to 'My New Skin' and press Save.
12. This results in a Java error
Caused by: Illegal character in path at index
9: /skins/My New Skin/admin.vm
I thought maybe the error was that spaces were not allowed. So I created a
new instance and followed the same steps but in steps 6 and 11 used
'MyNewSkin'. Then the browser showed the following:
You are not allowed to view this page or perform this action.
The URL was
I also thought that maybe in step 11 I need to use Main.MySkinPage instead.
This resulted in the same error, i.e.
You are not allowed to view this page or perform this action.
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I have the following question.
I have an main wiki (xwiki) and a subwiki (test)
I want to access objects from class ’space.someclassClass’ located on a page ‘space.somepage' in the main wiki
When in the subwiki, I have a query such as:
String query = "select name.value from XWikiDocument doc, BaseObject obj, StringProperty name where and obj.className=‘space.someclassClass’ and” +
"obj.className<>’space.someclassTemplate’ and order by doc.title"
List<java.lang.Object[]> results = (List<java.lang.Object[]>) (List) this.queryManager.createQuery(query, Query.XWQL).setWiki(“xwiki").execute();
This gives me the name.value of the property of the object in the main wiki.
What I need however is something like:
String query = "select obj from XWikiDocument doc, BaseObject obj where and obj.className=‘space.someclassClass’ and” +
"obj.className<>’space.someclassTemplate’ order by doc.title”
I expect this to return a BaseObject. When displaying this (toXMLString()), it is however an empty object:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
There is no way (that I have tried) that would give me the object of class “xwiki:space.someclassClass” that contains the properties that I need (and get using the first query).
I expect that it might have to do with the context but I’m not that familiar with it that I know how to do this.
Can someone please shed some light on this?
With kind regards,
Peter Huisman
Hi All,
Could you please help me with information about debugging client part!
I don’t understand why I have in the GWT development mode this error:
[ERROR] Errors in 'org/xwiki/gwt/wysiwyg/client/converter/’
[ERROR] Line 22: The import org.xwiki.component cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 32: Role cannot be resolved to a type
As I see this package org.xwiki.component.annotation exists in the xwiki-commons-component-api and client part includes this package as maven dependency...
I use file where I added maven dependencies now it looks like :
APP_DIR=`dirname $0`/webapps/xwiki;
java \
-Xmx1024m \
-Xdebug \
-Xnoagent \
-Djava.compiler=NONE \
-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=5006,suspend=y \
-cp \
$M2_REPO/com/google/gwt/gwt-dev/$GWT_VERSION/gwt-dev-$GWT_VERSION.jar: \ \
-noserver \
-port 8080 \
-war $APP_DIR/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg \
-startupUrl xwiki/bin/edit/Sandbox/Test?editor=wysiwyg \
Best regards,
Maxim Birukov
Is it possible to make the default editions are minor and not major ?
Signature mails
Bruno Joffredo
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Centre de Ressources Informatiques - Bur. D019
1 rue de la Noë
BP 92101
F-44321 Nantes cedex 3
Mail : bruno.joffredo(a) <>
For authorisation on xwiki inside local network we use LDAP (users login
with password). But we want use apache authorisation also from external
We want use next scheme: user authenticate on apache and after xwiki take
only login (without password) and gives access to user.
How we may do it ?
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As a test of this extension I have added the following to the end of Sandbox Test Page 2:
{{include reference="Sandbox.testpage1"/}}
The inclusion is shown on the information panel at the right but no text is shown in view mode. It appears I am missing something, any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Hello xwiki users,
I would like to allow my users to connect to my XWIKI instance using
their GoogleApp account (email).
If I understood correctly, I have to use the social login application
for this (…).
I tried to set it up but I couldn't get it to work.
I wanted to know if anybody has been able to set it up for a Google
Could anybody please help me on the meaning of the errors I get?
-> First some details about my installation:
- The whole is installed on a Windows 2012 R2 machine
- Java 1.8.0_73 (32-bit)
- Apache Tomcat8 (32-bit)
- Tomcat details:
initial memory pool: 512 MB
maximum memory pool: 1024 MB
and parameter additional parameter:
- MySQL 5.7 database
- XWIKI Entreprise 7.4
- Tomcat is accessible behind a local Apache2.4 reverse proxy (hence
the src on requests, I guess)
(I can give more details if necessary)
-> Here is what I did to install the extension:
1. I installed the extension using the extension manager.
2. I followed the guide under "For version 2.0 and above" found on
the extension page:
a. The formatting I used for "" is as such: = = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
b. ""
set as my authclass
c. The login.vm file went into my
".../webapp/xwiki/skins/flamingo" folder, which corresponds to my
current skin
d. I have set "Google" as my only provider in the XWIKI Administration
3. I couldn't find anything to fill into the Google form fields
for the callback (oauth2callback)
Is this normal? I may not understand this authentication method
enough, feel free to correct me.
(I also tried with these details: "http://mydomain" and
"http://mydomain/xwiki/bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin", same result in the
4. XWIKI webapp reloaded
-> Now the issue:
- My login page looks like this:
- A click on "Sign in with Google" only cause the page to reload
with this URI "http://mydomain/xwiki/bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin?sl_provider=google&xredire…",
but nothing else happens.
- The login form doesn't work anymore using the administrator credentials
-> This is what appears in Tomcat's access.log when I try to login
(both using the form with the admin user and clicking on "Sign in with
Google"): - - [26/Feb/2016:12:02:24 +0100] "POST
/xwiki/bin/loginsubmit/XWiki/XWikiLogin HTTP/1.1" 200 11168 - - [26/Feb/2016:12:02:27 +0100] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 401 11188
-> Here is the content of the last catalina.log. However I don't think
that those are relevant to this problem.
I'll have to look around for the "SEVERE" memory ones.
I also have a lot of "Illegal access: this web application instance
has been stopped already." java errors in my tomcat8-stderr.log file.
-> More relevant here I guess, this is what appears in the
tomcat8-stdout.log file for each click on "Sign in with Google":
Upon some login attempts, the URI contains
but the logfile shows the same error.
Would anyone be able help me?
Many thanks
Hi All,
I have recently upgraded to 7.4 and it appears that now the bulletin board application is failing after you press the "Add a new category..." or "Add a new article..." links with the following error:
org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException: The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.
I have ensured that the global rights are set for the entire wiki as follows and that all pages have a content author set with script rights:
Looking through the code it looks like the new category and topic pages are created via a from submission like it is suggest here:…
I am guessing that when these pages are created that perhaps the content author is not set, which is causing the script macro error. Has anybody came across this problem and perhaps could give me a clue as to how to resolve it? We use this application for our team to store help desk resolutions and I would hate to loose the ability to record them.
Hello experts!
Business ask me if Xwiki can have statistic - how many times users played an
audio script. The script can be in page as jwplayer macro or as attached
file or however.
Any idea?
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