Since we had users asking on the IRC what are the differences between XWiki
and other solutions, it would be a good idea to provide such pages on the
- XWiki and MediaWiki
- XWiki and Confluence
It would be great to know if you agree with the listed content and if you
find other similarities or distinctions between the above solutions.
Additionally, …
[View More]what other solutions would you be interested in seeing
comparison with?
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I have recently upgraded from 3.5 to 5.5. The upgrade went fine however after logging in I accidentally hit the cancel button instead of the skip. I now want to rerun the Distribution Wizard but I cannot figure out how to re-trigger it. Can this be done?
Like described in http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-13348 I get a red
line on VoidAttachmentVersioningStore.
I have double-checked the configuration (those three lines in xwiki.cfg).
Could someone give a hand ? Is it safe to run the backup script like
this anyway ?
PS: I've also attached a screenshot of the error in the issue
Did any one else have users disappear on their wiki on mywiki.org?A number of ours no longer exist. I just discovered this today on scservicesub.mywiki.org. The User Directory is not working either.
Hello all,
A new version of the application workflow was released this morning,
version 1.5.1. It contains only one fix compared to 1.5, issue
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XAWORKFLOW-16 , which is actually quite
particular (we might want to revert this modification at some point in a
future version, as it's only impacting some upgraded instances).
Sent from my phone
I'm trying to use the REST API to retrieve some data but the API seems to be
ignoring the type parameter.
My environment is XWiki 7.4.2, Debian 8, PostgreSQL, Tomcat 8, Openjdk 8
If I try to fetch some data using the browser and the following URL:
http:// ...
the result is as follows (I'm reproducing here only the first few lines -
there are actually …
[View More]10 items returned)
The result is not related in any way to the user data or their names. From
the template on the first line, it seems to think that the query is a SOLR
query not xwql. I've verified that the query is correct xwql syntax and
gives a valid result by trying it in a velocity script on an actual xwiki
page. The result is basically the same if I just query for the first name
instead of both the first name and last name.
How should I be executing xwql queries using the REST API?
Mark Sack
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/REST-API-ignores-type-parameter-tp7599586…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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