Hi community,
I implemented a customer profile holding information about customers as an
XWiki application. Now in another app I'd like to have an optional field
that can contain the customer if it is related to one. Therefor I want to
list all customers (existing pages of App 1) as dropdown values of a field
of App 2.
To illustrate what I'd like to achieve:
App 1 (holding customer information):
|-- Page "Customer 1"
|-- Page "Customer 2"
App 2 (holding other information but can be customer related):
|-- Page 1
|-- Field "Customer" = Dropdown of Pages of App 1 (Customer 1, Customer
2 ...)
I'm rather new in scripting in XWiki/Velocity so I'd really appreciate some
help on this :)
I am currently implementing my first XWiki application and starting to
learn velocity. There is one thing that makes me mad.
There is a static list field with code "ddlProductFamily".
I try to display the items in this list in a nice way (one below the other).
Different approaches including googling didn't lead to any outcome.
#foreach ($prodFam in $ddlProductFamily)
#foreach ($prodFam in $doc.display('ddlProductFamily'))
On the frontend it's always empty. Other #foreach loops work fine.
I'm sure I just misunderstand something but I can't find the fault myself.
Can somebody please help me?
Thanks in advance,
I'm trying to implement a basic password manager as an XWiki application. I
have short text fields for username and password. In view mode the password
is replaced by ********** to hide it from prying eyes.
Now I'd like to have a button next to the username and password fields for
copying the values to the clipboard.
I found two sources:
2. https://clipboardjs.com/
As the Wiki entry (1) is rather old I tried to replace it by (2) but I'm
not sure how to insert the code exactly.
I uploaded the clipboard.min.js as an attachment to the Application code
My Application sheet looks like this:
{{html wiki="true"}}
#set ($discard = $doc.use('XPass.Code.XPassClass'))
#set($theSharedPanel = $xwiki.getDocument('XPass.Code'))
<script src="$theSharedPanel.getAttachmentURL('clipboard.min.js')"></script>
(% class="xform" %)
var clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn');
clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
clipboard.on('error', function(e) {
; <label
false, false))</label>
: $doc.display('sTxtName')
; <label
false, false))</label>
: $doc.display('sListCategory')
; <label
false, false))</label>
: $doc.display('sTxtURL')
; <label
false, false))</label>
: $doc.display('lTxtDesc')
; <label
false, false))</label>
: $doc.display('sTxtUser')
; <label
false, false))</label>
#if ($context.display == 'edit')
<button class="btn" data-clipboard-target="$doc.display('sTxtPassword')">
<img src="assets/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard">
Now then pressing the "Copy to clipboard" button the clipboard is not
updated and the console shows:
"ReferenceError: Clipboard is not defined"
I'm not sure where to place the scripts to make it work so mybe someone can
enlighten me.
I apologize for the vague topic description. I have been trying to install
XWiki on a freshly installed Ubuntu server running 14.04 for a few days and
am just getting pulled in all sorts of directions when it comes to
installation and am just getting a little agitated.
I am relatively new to Ubuntu in general. I am just looking for a guide to
install the newest version of XWiki Enterprise on Ubuntu Server 14.04 using
what I believe would be a .WAR install. (I want to avoid the stand-alone
installer since it is not recommended on production.)
All guides that I have found seem to breeze thru the installation process
and jump right into "Getting Started using the software". I am still stuck
on the actual installation and cannot seem to follow the guide without
getting thrown off by a step that makes absolutely no sense.
If someone could please point me in the right direction, it would be greatly
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Need-Help-Installing-XWiki-on-Ubuntu-Serv…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Fixed. Downloaded and imported manually. Chose the "replace" option.
Keith Davis (214) 906-5183 - I.T. Director
From: Keith Davis
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 9:45 AM
To: 'XWiki Users'
Subject: Unknown macro: documentTree
I just upgraded to 8.2.1. I finally figured out how to fix my permissions issue (login as superadmin, no users were admins any longer, added all users, that part works fine now).
However, a number of panels don't work due to:
Unknown macro: documentTree
How would that be missing?
Keith Davis (214) 906-5183 - I.T. Director
I just upgraded to 8.2.1. I finally figured out how to fix my permissions issue (login as superadmin, no users were admins any longer, added all users, that part works fine now).
However, a number of panels don't work due to:
Unknown macro: documentTree
How would that be missing?
Keith Davis (214) 906-5183 - I.T. Director
Hello, this question has been asked, but I want to do something different:
can you change the columns being displayed from javascript? is the entire
funcionality of the livetable contained in javascript, or is it only a
rendering of the table?
I want to have a list of headings with a checkbox each, and when the user
checks a checkbox, that heading is included in the livetable.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Refreshing-livetable-tp7600510.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
What is the best way of storing the attached files (Database Attachment Store or Filesystem Attachment Store)? Currently we store in the database, but already with a dump postgres in 17GB. I am in doubt about what is the best form of storage.
Thank you in advance.