I need to migrate a Wiki in Filesystem attachment Store mode because I
have an existing wiki in which I need to import a big XAR file (>130MB)
The procedure is explained here
"If you already have a wiki and want to take advantage of the Filesystem
Attachment Store, you should use the Filesystem Attachment Porter to move
your existing attachments onto the filesystem. "
but the script seem to have been removed a few days/weeks ago ...
How can I move from DB to FS ?
I have trouble renaming pages because of an old redirection on my 7.4.2
XWiki instance.
I'll try to summerize how it happened :
- First, a wiki page called "Framework" with a lot of subpages was
- Then, the users wanted to rearrange the subpages so they created a copy
which they named Framework.new
- When they where happy with the new page, they renamed the initial
Framework page in Framework.old.
- Trying to rename Framework.new into Framework failed
My problem is that by default, when you rename a page (in this version of
XWiki at least), the checkbox "Redirect to new page" is checked,
effectivement creating a HTTP redirect when users are still using the old
link. I understand the advantage of this method : you can have the page
renamed without breaking the existing links.
But now Framework.new can't be renamed in Framework, as the
Framework.WebHome URL points to Framework.old.WebHome. Even if I remove
all the pages from Framework.old, I still can't rename it.
Is there a menu/velocity script to remove these redirections ?
Thanks in advance
In our class we have a computed field
It shows a Date and two numbers
- the date represents a observation date calculated based on the two numbers and date of birth.
- The two numbers are
-- 1 Years since birth
-- Months
- Together they represent Years + Months that a person reaches a certain milestone.
(example: The child started to grab objects at age 0 years and 6 months, the child started walking at age 4 years and 5 months)
We would like to see the following in our sheet:
View mode: the date as a non-editable value and the two numbers with their labels
Edit mode: only the two numbers with labels
Preferably we would like to use in our sheet $objectDoc.Display('computed field')
But when we use the values in Velocity as class.attribute.value.years
and class.attribute.value.months
But it looks like the requirement for $doc.display('') forces us to write html code in our computed field that we need to strip away when using the velocity.value?
Any suggestions...
Gerritjan Koekkoek
Vader van Rai Koekkoek (cdls) en voorzitter vereniging CdLS
Visit our website<http://www.cdlsworld.org>
Hi everybody,
I've just got running a fresh new install of 8.2.1 in a Wildfly instance (9.0.x) with datasource and PostgreSQL. No problems until there, and nothing special in config settings other than the default ones.
However, as I try to create a new page (child or whatever) clicking on the "+" in any place, XE fires a NullPointerException. Here's the extract of the Stack Trace:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while evaluating velocity template createinline.vm
com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 4001 in 4: Error while evaluating velocity template createinline.vm
Caused by: org.xwiki.velocity.XWikiVelocityException: Failed to evaluate content with id [/templates/create.vm]
Caused by: org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of method 'getParameter' in class com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiServletRequest threw exception java.lang.NullPointerException at 284:/templates/create.vm[line 90, column 31]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
Am I missing something in configs?