I have a clean .deb install but when I access xwiki for the first time the distribution wizard has no skin. The header velocity macro shows the raw velocity code instead. I can proceed but then this issue persists in the wiki created. Many features, especially on the admin screen are not accessible because all the macros indicate that they failed. Cause [Null]. Any thoughts on what would cause this on a blank install?
I use box macro to include the summary of page. But editing that summary
needs editing box macro Content.
In such editing we can't simply use the WYSIWYG. That means, I am forced to
write the content in wiki code, which I want to avoid.
It would be nice if I could edit text in box in WYSIWYG mode like a normal
text editing (like Word Processor).
Any help appreciated..
http://l10n.xwiki.org seems to be very very slow: the home page is ok but I
can't use it (access to a language table for instance).
The last "translation activity" was on 2016/12/23 by myself ;-).
Thanks to have a look to it ;-),
Ok I think I had a too much aggressive custom logging system (a page frequently saved) and my xwiki encoutered this bug.
I think it is ok now (except I still wonder
<< I wonder, Is there a timeout associated to the script
runs and is there feedback in the event of an error
(or a
way to activate logs for job scheduled)?>>
I'd like to display a simple download button with a certain text, which downloads a file attached to this xwiki page when clicked. The link has to be relative to the current page (file is attached there).
I tried the following variations of the html macro with no success. Is it possible? Otherwise we will just create images for download buttons and links on them.
(xwiki 8.4.3)
{{html wiki="true"}}
<form action="">
<input type="submit" value="[[Download>>attach:SomeFile.png]]"/>
{{html wiki="true"}}
<form action="[[Download>>attach:SomeFile.png]]">
<input type="submit" value="Download"/>
<form action="WebHome/Trendset_Dialog.png">
<input type="submit" value="[[Download>>attach:SomeFile.png]]"/>
{{html wiki="true"}}
<button type="button" onclick="[[attach:SomeFile.png]]">Download</button>
<button type="button" onclick="WebHome/Trendset_Dialog.png">Download</button>
- *description*: We would like to create a wiki for our Boy Scout Troop
1238 based in Fullerton, CA, USA.
- *owner name*: webmaster.troop1238(a)gmail.com / Erwin Masinsin
- *wiki name*: troop1238
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours in scouting,
Erwin Masinsin
Assistant Scoutmaster
Boy Scout Troop 1238
Fullerton, CA