Is it possible to put an attached file at one page, and from another page link to that file?
Example, we attach the file File.xml to the page Main.Files
And then on the page Main.List we want to include a link to the File.xml file?
Thanks for your enthusiastic (and quick!) response. It's certainly a
start, though it will only work for XWiki's documentation. That's okay,
if it turns out to be quicker and easier to drive it from the XWiki
database; solving the immediate problem is the most important for the
But it would be much more generally useful if you could just point a
template at any arbitrary javadoc site, with a CVS or other source link
optional, and at each place where javadoc comments would be displayed by
the standard doclet, insert an HTML element that included the wiki
document, if it existed, or a create link if it didn't. Simple style
options could let the user choose whether to append or overlay the wiki
page on existing comments, or (possibly) even to embed them,
highlighted. In this way, the hand-copying of the original javadoc
comments would be unnecessary, and it might even provide a nice easy
means for the owners of the sources to retrofit the better ones into the
Whichever way is easier (and/or faster) to do it for Xwiki will be the
best for now; I was just wondering if it would be any harder to craft
the more general solution, and you might get more helpers than for
something that only works for one set of APIs.
BTW, I have this problem often, as do all the males in my family:
because my surname, Thomas, is also a very common first name (probably
more so than as a surname), I'm often referred to by it, or by "Tom".
No offense taken, of course; I have corrected it, and made what I
thought would be a link to my profile page, but the create link appeared
instead. Does not automatically create a profile page for
every user? I followed it to get a permission-denied page, so maybe I
just can't edit it, but my name appears as a normal link in the "Hello"
section. I thought that if a page existed, the create link wouldn't
Thanks for that link! Jsourcery also has something similar, but I think
that their approach uses a custom version of javadoc, which is, I think,
where doclets come in. This would only work, again, where you actually
had access to a source archive, and I think they actually generate and
store their pages.
Another interesting facet is the ability to link to other javadoc sites;
XWiki's API javadoc doesn't link classes from externally packages, which
is not a major problem, but a small one. If an undefined reference came
up, the ability to point to its home would be helpful.
It may be that just using Jdocs would be faster, since they already have
a solution; what do you think? It's not really what I'd like to see,
which would be an almost-transparent pasting of user-edited content as
though it were in the original sources. But this is worlds better than
Another idea would use the JDOM API, which could be used in a very
robust server-side solution that could do all that I've thought of here
and probably things I've never even dreamed of.
-----Original Message-----
From: Claudio Miranda []
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:53 AM
To: xwiki-users(a)
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] IDEA: API Documentation wiki
Probably JDocs, already to the job of make comments on javadocs.
check it out:
Hi Yoav
Thanks a lot for your hint.
As far as i have seen the problems stated on the sun-website are concerning
Old kernels or older glibc
We use
Kernel: 2.6.9-11.ELsmp
glibc: 2.3.4
Though the following link seems to me heading into a similiar direction:
-----Original Message-----
From: Yoav Shapira []
Sent: Mittwoch, 15. März 2006 14:47
To: xwiki-users(a)
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Hs_err_pid XWiki 0.9.840 + tomcat 5.5.9 + vm1.5.0_06
As someone with Tomcat (though not XWiki) experience, 99% of the time these SIGSEGV faults result from a problem with the JVM installation missing required OS patches. Start at, pick the edition you're installing, and click on the Linux Notes link from the resulting page for required patch levels for things like glibc. I hope that helps,
On 3/15/06, jeremi joslin <jeremi23(a)> wrote:
> On 3/15/06, Leonard Lin <leonard.lin(a)> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Are you running on a virtualized system such as VMWare?
> > One of our programmers suggested, that it might have something to do
> > with VMWare (in our case) because of the SIGSEGV issued, Pointing to
> > either errornous implementation in javaVM or failing Hardware.
> No, is running on 3 real computers under Debian Sarge.
> For the rest, i don't know.
> Jeremi
> --
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> Project Manager XWiki:
> skype: jeremi23 -- msn et gtalk : jeremi23(a)
> --
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Yoav Shapira
Nimalex LLC
1 Mifflin Place, Suite 310
Cambridge, MA, USA
yoavs(a) /
Whenever i try to register a new user the following message keeps popping up:
"An error occured during the registration process (-1)."
I can't seem to fix this, but i searched the archive and found that someone had the same thing previously, but there was no fix in the thread.
Anyone can shed some light on this?
Dear All,
We use login IDs that are not very meaningful. I'd like to create a
page that lists the login ID and real name of each member by group to
help with administration. I can see how to get the groups, for example:
#set($sqlGrp = ", BaseObject as obj where and
#foreach ($item in $xwiki.searchDocuments($sqlGrp))
#set($itemdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item))
Group: $ <br/>
How do I access the members for a given group?
Thanks, John
John Turner
NDSD Development (Dialog IT)
Email: John.Turner.2(a)
Ph: (07) 3887 4574