Good day.
I'm trying to write a java component to set rights to a space and the space
children. Normally, the user would set this on the space when clicking on
administer page>users and groups>Rights: page and children, where the user
can set access rights for a group to effect the space and its children.
I'm trying to achieve this with a java component and currently I'm attaching
an XWikiRights object with the specified group and rights to the
<space>.WebHome page. However, this only effects the one page and not the
children, also view rights only leaves comment and page creating rights
which is not desired. Am I understanding the rights objects wrong? How do I
achieve this in Java, currently I have:
XWikiDocument doc = xwiki.getDocument(docref, xcontext); //
referance to the <space>.WebHome
DocumentReference classdoc =
BaseObject DSErightsobj = doc.newXObject(classdoc, xcontext);
DSErightsobj.set("groups", DSEname, xcontext);
DSErightsobj.set("users", "", xcontext);
DSErightsobj.set("levels", "view", xcontext); // space right
DSErightsobj.set("allow", 1, xcontext);
xwiki.saveDocument(doc, xcontext);
View this message in context:…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at
Thxs for this log.
I tested with wget (through same proxy of my browser) and I
obtain a xxxxxxxxx
=> It's working well with wget too (without option)
I tested on my developpment server on ou intranet (through
our proxy): $xwiki.getURLContent('…')
Do you need my log to make it working on If yes
which one?
> The issue is
> with the HTTPS protocol used in the URL.
> In the logs of there’s:
> Failed to retrieve content from
> […]
> Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
> At this point I don’t know
> what’s the problem. We’re using httpclient in
> getURLContent() which supports HTTP over SSL out of
> box.
> Thanks-Vincent
> >
> Thxs for your help.
> >
> > Pascal B
users mailing list
Thxs for this log.
I tested with wget (through same proxy of my browser) and I obtain a "500 Internal Server Error" (I tested with SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1_1 and TLSv1_2 protocol) :-/
I tested on my developpment server on ou intranet (through our proxy): $xwiki.getURLContent('…') working.
Do you need my log to make it working on If yes which one?
> The issue is
> with the HTTPS protocol used in the URL.
> In the logs of there’s:
> Failed to retrieve content from
> […]
> Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
> At this point I don’t know
> what’s the problem. We’re using httpclient in
> getURLContent() which supports HTTP over SSL out of the
> box.
> Thanks-Vincent
> >
> Thxs for your help.
> >
> > Pascal B
Hi users,
I am wondering on how to create an XClass from java, and bind it to a
class-sheet to be used to represent several objects as XWiki pages. How can
I achieve that in a way that allow me to incrementaly update the object
every time a modification is performed?
Thanks for your help,
(disclaimer: new user here)
I updated from 7.4RC1 to 7.4 (Debian packages, Tomcat7, MySQL). When I
click the navigation arrows in the Main wiki, they come up empty. If I
create a new wiki, it works fine.
What could have happened here?
Appreciate any help, thank you!
> Anyway, how do you found default alias of table name
> then?
> By example the alias "act" in my hql string here
> "act.eventId" (I found it by chance in error
> log)
> #set($results=
> $xwiki.activitystream.searchEvents("act.eventId in
> ($ListIn)", false, 0, 0))
> Here i suppose?…
> Yes. The API is not optimal, I
> agree, and it was not really improved along the years.
ha ha i never said that!
If alias and field name, usable in hql query, are documented it doesn't matter :-)
Thxs for ur help
I am migrating the xwiki installation from 3.5 to 6.4. I followed the
upgradation steps and found the best way to upgrade is to install 6.4 war
file create an empty db and and hit the xwiki url which would create the
db schema and then launches the distribution wizard which is used to
install 6.4 ui and xar After this login as admin and import the 3.5 xar
file in new installation which I exported from existing installation The
important thing to note is I had to manually select the required
space/pages customized panels themes and users specific to my project from
older xar Please let know whether this the best way or any other way to
upgrade my xwiki
Awaiting your response on this..