I am trying to connect my XWiki to a third-party search engine.
How can I modify the search results page?
I am trying to modify this page:
What file corresponds to this? In general, how can I find out what file
serves a URL path? (I looked in struts-config.xml, but I did not find any
"search" references there.
Can I set, for example, user's account active time? I mean, I'd like to
set "Mr. Green's account will be active for 2 months" after this time his
account will be blocked.
Can I do this?
That is what I expected. I am however calling a java service for this where I’m going through a list of documents and doing the conversion. I expect that I have to set the document in the context from within the service?
Thanks for the answers,
On 8 Oct 2015 at 16:23:51, Eduard Moraru (enygma2002(a)gmail.com <mailto:enygma2002@gmail.com>(mailto:enygma2002@gmail.com <mailto:enygma2002@gmail.com>)) wrote:
> Hi,
> You did not mention how you are doing the "conversion". Are you using the
> rendering script service?
> Anyway, one thing I can think of is to set the context document before
> starting the conversion process. Here is a snippet that would exemplify
> this:
> {{velocity}}
> $xcontext.doc
> $xcontext.setDoc($xwiki.getDocument('Sandbox.WebHome').document)
> $xcontext.doc
> {{/velocity}}
> Note that it requires Programming Right (on the author user) to be able to
> be executable.
BTW Edy, we have a {{context}} macro for doing this :)
http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Context+Macro <http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Context+Macro>
> Hope this helps,
> Eduard
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Peter Huisman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using a conversion from XWiki syntax to XHTML which is working like a
>> charm. The challenge I have however is the following:
>> I am running a (test velocity) script from the Sandbox space. I am
>> converting documents in a different space (let’s say AAAA).These documents
>> contain objects with textarea’s where the references are in the form of
>> [[text>>doc:filename]] since it refers to documents in the AAAA space. The
>> conversion of XWiki links is “going down the drain” since the converter is
>> using the Sandbox space to resolve the reference to the page and generates
>> a create reference to the file.
>> Is there an easy way to set the (default) space (in either Java or
>> Velocity) without having to run the script from the actual space (in this
>> case, the AAAA space)?
>> Br,
>> Peter
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> _______________________________________________
> users mailing list
> users(a)xwiki.org <mailto:users@xwiki.org>
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I am using a conversion from XWiki syntax to XHTML which is working like a charm. The challenge I have however is the following:
I am running a (test velocity) script from the Sandbox space. I am converting documents in a different space (let’s say AAAA).These documents contain objects with textarea’s where the references are in the form of [[text>>doc:filename]] since it refers to documents in the AAAA space. The conversion of XWiki links is “going down the drain” since the converter is using the Sandbox space to resolve the reference to the page and generates a create reference to the file.
Is there an easy way to set the (default) space (in either Java or Velocity) without having to run the script from the actual space (in this case, the AAAA space)?
I manage to launch save process of my page but I didn't manage to pass parameter in this process :-(
On my page in edit mode, I add a button with this JS code:
function SaveCurrentPage(MyForm, MyParam) {
require(['jquery'], function ($) {
this code save current page and go in the view mode BUT I can NOT pass some parameters to my velocity code and update myClass object :-(
In the other way when I submit to view mode with
My current page is NOT saved but I can pass some parameter with hidden input (I can catch them with $request.aaaa in velocity code)
--- En date de : Mar 6.10.15, Marius Dumitru Florea <mariusdumitru.florea(a)xwiki.com> a écrit :
> De: Marius Dumitru Florea <mariusdumitru.florea(a)xwiki.com>
> Objet: Re: [xwiki-users] Fw : Re: How to add a button with confirmation to save my page?
> À: "XWiki Users" <users(a)xwiki.org>
> Date: Mardi 6 octobre 2015, 12h23
> On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at
> 1:01 PM, Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xwiki(a)yahoo.fr>
> wrote:
> > First thxs both but it is not
> what I want try to do.
> >
> > I want to keep default button "Save,
> save and contine and Cancel" like usual.
> > With velocity I added a button to update
> my class object on my page and redirect to another one. My
> button working well in view mode but I want to use it in
> edit mode, then I must save my page before my class object
> update and redirection if not all page modifications will be
> lost.
> >
> > My main
> problem if I rewrite my code in JS is that I can not update
> my class object field attached on my page.
> >
> > (It's a shame it
> doesn't exist an $xwiki.LaunchSaveCurrentPage)
> >
> > Can I launch
> "save page" with javascript? My idea: i launch
> save my page in JS from edit mode to view mode with param
> (do redirect on another page). With this way I can keep my
> nice existant velocity code.
> > Do you
> know how if I can launch "save page" in JS
> then?
> > I see that a
> submit in JS go to preview mode, maybe I must modify the
> action target of #inline before submit?
> The submit button name (e.g.
> name="action_save") is not included by
> default when you submit the form using
> JavaScript (because the form
> may have
> multiple submit buttons, like in your case, and the
> JavaScript code wouldn't know what button
> to indicate in the submit
> form unless you
> explicitly indicate it). You need to add the button
> name to the submit parameters when you make the
> AJAX save request.
> Hope
> this helps,
> Marius
I just tested Xwiki 7.2 and Windows 2012 LDAP (AD) : work fine for existing
users in the active directory
(account created from Windows)
But if I create a new user from Xwiki I can't see created in the LDAP !
How to update from Xwiki to LDAP ?
In other words is It possible ?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/LDAP-Updates-issue-from-Xwiki-to-Windows-…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am using a conversion from XWiki syntax to XHTML which is working like a charm. The challenge I have however is the following:
I am running a (test velocity) script from the Sandbox space. I am converting documents in a different space (let’s say AAAA).These documents contain objects with textarea’s where the references are in the form of [[text>>doc:filename]] since it refers to documents in the AAAA space. The conversion of XWiki links is “going down the drain” since the converter is using the Sandbox space to resolve the reference to the page and generates a create reference to the file.
Is there an easy way to set the (default) space (in either Java or Velocity) without having to run the script from the actual space (in this case, the AAAA space)?
Hey folks,
I'm from Germany, so already sorry for my bloody english.
I use the xe.panels.navigation for the navigation on my xWiki. Now the
following: I created pages, which has an difference between the url and the
name of the site.
For example:
Title - Page one
Adress - /xwiki/bin/main/different-page-one
This now causes problems in the alphabetical order of the navigation, due to
the fact, that the order is being set by the adress "name".. My questions
is: Can I change this behavior? So that the following code will sort the
pages not by their url name but by their Page name?
The code:
## Escape special characters in macro parameter values.
#set ($openToDoc = $doc.documentReference.toString().replaceAll('([~"])',
{{documentTree showSpaces="false" showTranslations="false"
showAttachments="false" showDocumentTitle="true"
showChildDocuments="true" finder="true" compact="false"
openTo="document:$openToDoc" root="space:xwiki:Main"/}}
Changing the adresses or url's is not a possible solution, due to the
unflexibility of a partner we are working with. Is there a possible change
or do I have to put up a manual navigation?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/xWiki-Change-Navigation-scheme-tp7596292.…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I use xwiki 6.4 with the forum application. I would like to subscribe to a
forum and receive a notification by mail when a new subject or a comment is
posted. Is it possible with the current version ? I didn't find a way to do
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/ForumApplication-Subscribe-by-mail-tp7596…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.