Trying to upgrade from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2 and in the upgrade wizard I get this
message "Installed version 6.4.1 is not valid" when upgrading the "XWiki
Enterprise - UI - Main wiki"
>From there on nothing moves forward, no "Later", no "Never"
How can I get passed this.
I installed cleanly 6.4.1 a few days ago. And I hope that some of the link
issues and the categories in the blog are fixed.
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I’m a new user to XWiki here. Running 6.4.2. We recently setup mediawiki but due to some limitations (and then finding XWiki), we’ve decided to move to XWiki. One feature that we would REALLY love to have similar to mediawiki is the "readers" feature. It shows which registered users have viewed a page. I have done some Google searching and I have looked through the extensions but I cannot find anything. The closest extension I found is one that shows how to run a query to display the editors, but I couldn’t see a way to modify that to show the readers. This makes me think it might not be possible, but I know very little about the way the system works so I hope someone can help.
Thanks in advance for your help and time.
Kind regards,
Hello Community,
we use xWiki Enterprise 6.3. at work and I need some help to manage it.
I have two questions:
-How can it be that the user's photos are always pixelated when I upload it?
For example, I would like to add a photo to my xWiki profile but no matter
how good the quality of the picture is, you always see a pixelated little
Are there a trick to get the image as good as the original?
-At the main page, I usually see "my last changes", but how is it possible
to see what other user's changes were?
For example, I change a document and then I see it at the main page. But my
other colleague didn't see that change at the main page. How can I manage
it, that if a document were changed by someone, everyone see's it at the
main page?
I hope you understand my questions :-)
If not, don't hesitate to contact me.
I'm looking forward to hear from you.
Kind regards from Germany!
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It looks like that we can not use the macro AVATAR in a wiki on this farm?
{{useravatar username="<username>" /}}
Then I added the extension:
{{userprofile username="XWiki.Admin" /}}
But both give error: unknown user?
I have a page hierarchy of the following form:
+ Parent1----- Child1----- Child2----- Child2
Where one parent page has three children pages.
I would like to move this entire hierarchy rooted at Parent1 to another space. If I rename Parent1, then only Parent1 gets moved to the new space, and not its children.
Is there a way to move the entire hierarchy of pages (parent page and all its child pages) to another space?
(warning n00b question ahead)
I would like to fetch external data, in xml (say for example and use it in a XWiki page : filter tokens, display node contents, etc. At this stage I don’t envision populating a custom class.
Would you guys have pointers/examples of such xwiki page?
Thank you in advance!
Hi All,
i am trying to get into javascript, prototype and restlet-Framework. The
"GET" Response is smoothly working [see (1) below]. But i now want to write
back a property to a object. It seems that prototype is not great for
Restless Requests (see 2). But on (2) i found a possible solution. Now i
tried an example (3), but it not seems to work. Did someone have a working
PS: I used the restlet-framework also from java and there everything works,
so at the moment i can't tell what is the mistake. I put the error from the
console to (4).
Sorry for this long post, but i like to share what i found so far. Maybe
later on someone need something similar.
Request-Methode: PUT
Status-Code: HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error
Request-Header 21:57:55.000
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
X-Prototype-Version: 1.7.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101
Referer: http://refidim:8082/xwiki/bin/view/Main/AjaxRequestPUT
Host: refidim:8082
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*
Gesendetes Cookie
validation: "3bd2fdf8f9a05ba614cf37e91b1028b7"
username: "obD1aIklU0E_"
rememberme: "false"
password: "GvlF1PXlVNhGHYktowzcuA__"
language: de
JSESSIONID: oih8bz5oa3d5qax4v8dnfs72
Response-Header Δ30ms
XWiki-Version: 6.3
XWiki-User: XWiki.Admin
Server: Restlet-Framework/2.0.14
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2015 20:57:55 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Script-Type: text/javascript
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Hi, All!
XWiki 6.4.2 clean installation. Extension is installed.
Space with several pages. On Space.WebHome I put
{{documentTree showSpaces="true" readOnly="false" root="document:$$"/}}
Works fine. I have a tree. If I change page order in the Tree - it also works fine. On page reload Tree has initial page order. Am I doing anything wrong or this is the case to "jira" the bug?
Is it possible to open all branches of the tree somehow?
Kind regards,