> Hello all,
> I'm wondering if anyone has done anything like this before so, I thought I'd ask it here. Essentially, what I want to do is have a page / form that my users fill out and then submit. Upon submit I need to invoke an external script (e.g..Perl, Python, VBScript, Batch etc...) that will do some quick data gathering then insert some data in a database. Once the script generates the data the page will then retrieve it and render some results based on it. Most of the mechanics I can figure out I think, but I wanted to get some tips on the best way to actually invoke the script from a page in Xwiki.
> Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated...
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
6.4 Milestone 2.
This version brings mainly UI improvements in the Menu application, Mail
application and Flamingo skin, while offering developers the ability to
write LESS in Skin Extensions, a cool icon picker and new ConfigurableClass
and Mail Sender API features.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
Hi Xwiki Members,
We're working on a brand new instance of our intranet using XE6.3.
Despite the very nice new features, one of them - maybe the most
important for our use case - is not working: the Menu Application. It
was the first and only extension I've installed since now on a fresh new
standard 6.3 using flamingo skin, following the instructions on the menu
application page -
I have only the Admin user so far. I've created the same sample menu
using the app documentation, set to display after the page header,
selected current wiki (tested all the options by the way) and nothing
happened. The XWikiAdminGroup has programming rights selected. I've
simply changed to colibri skin in WebPrefs look and feel section and
also not worked.
Am I losing any config/setup step? How can I check what's happening?
I've not tested 6.4M2 yet, once it brings improvements on look and feel
to Menu Application. I would like to learn and get the Menu working on
6.3 first.
Could you help me?
Best Regards,
Ramon Gomes Brandão
say i want to create a new Xwikidocument in groovy, and i want this document to already have two languages. I tried to use this code in groovy and various other variants, but xwiki keep creating a single version of document, with content in last language of loop and default language in the default locale of user executing script. It's just ignoring any tip on local. How can I set translations?
Note: my final purpose is so that a user can upload 2 versions of a odt file in a form, and i will automatically load it in the concerned translations. Setting translation content is the last bit i am missing. I can't find any method in xwiki api that says "here is content translated in language xx" :/
newDoc = xwiki.getDocument(new DocumentReference("xwiki","Memorandum","Memo-1234","en"));
referenceDocument = "Memorandum.Memo-"+number
for (language in ["fr","nl","en"]){
if (title[language] !=null && title[language].trim().length()>0){
println("new document in "+language)
translatedDoc = new Document(
new DocumentReference("xwiki","Memorandum","Memo-1234",language),
translatedDoc.setContent("Hello in "+language+": "+title[language])
Any advice would be greatly welcomed
David Delbecq
The default displayer for users is failing with guest (http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-11472)
Fix shown in this issue works fine for colibri skin, but fails for flamingo. Does anyone have a solution?
Kind regards,
First, sorry for my bad english.
I've got an issue when i want to import a XAR file (size : 53 mb). When i
want to import it, i've got an error message who said that max size for the
import is 32 Mb.
I understood the the WikiStream allowed to import files of any size.
So can you explain me why i've got a limit and, if it's possible, how i can
bypass them.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Xwiki-6-3-issue-when-import-xar-file-larg…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I have a groovy script that takes an array of table data and formats it in a table as follows. As you can see, I'd like to wrap the table in a form.
// [... supplied with array of 2-element arrays...]
println "{{html}}"
println "<form action=\"\" name=\"chooseForm\" method=post>"
println "<input type=hidden name=\"step\" value=\"choose\" /><input type=hidden name=\"form_token\" value=\"${services.csrf.getToken()}\" />"
println "{{/html}}"
println '|= |= Col 1|= Col2'
int lineNo = 0;
for (row in rows) {
if(lineNo!=0) { // Skip first (header) line
print "| {{html}}<input type=checkbox checked=\"checked\" name=\"choose${lineNo}\" form=\"chooseForm\" />{{/html}}"
print "| {{html}}<input type=text name=\"col1_${lineNo}\" form=\"chooseForm\" value=\"${row[0]}\"/>{{/html}}"
print "| {{html}}<input type=text name=\" col2_${lineNo}\" form=\"chooseForm\" value=\"${row[1]}\" />{{/html}}"
print '\n'
print "| {{html}}<input type=submit /></form>{{/html}}"
The problem is that the first {{html}} block closes the form before the table is started. Note that I have tried using ##form="chooseForm"## in the inputs within the table to associate them with the form, but this didn't work, at least with Firefox, since the data for these inputs does not get included in the POST content. Obviously I could use Javascript to modify the form, but I was aiming for a JS-free solution. Any ideas?
Hi everyone,
= Short Story =
I propose to change the behaviour of the top level menu from Flamingo
for tablet and desktop screens (so NOT for phones) to match the
behaviour we had in 6.2 BUT improving the separation between the
navigation links and the drop down toggle. The idea is that the top
level menu entries should behave like a drop down button (e.g. the Add
button) but without looking like one. You can see some screen shots at
= Long Story =
I've heard complains that the current behaviour of the top level menu
from Flamingo skin is not perfect. The issue is that you need to click
twice to navigate. Ok, with a mouse you can use the middle click
(wheel) to open the link in a new tab but still it's annoying for
simple uses and for those that use the touch pad or a tablet.
An alternative I have investigated in
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-11479 is to open the menu on hover
(on devices that support this of course). The result is quite nice and
effective but there is a problem: if you have a second horizontal menu
displayed under the top level menu then you'll have a hard time
hovering the second menu. So I decided to close XWIKI-11479 as Won't
Fix. For those that like the open-on-hover behaviour and which don't
plan to use a second menu I've published this extension
The other alternative to fix the problem is to go back to the
behaviour from 6.2. Precisely, each menu has two sides:
* on the left is the label which is a link used for navigation
* on the right there is a toggle (arrow) used to open the menu.
The problem with this, and the reason we change it in 6.3, was that
the label and the toggle were not separated very well so the user
could easily think they were doing the same action (opening the menu).
At the same time this separation felt unnatural on extra small screens
(phones) because you couldn't tap easily on the toggle (arrow).
The solution I propose is to:
* Keep the current behaviour for extra small screens (phones). That
means the use has to tap twice to navigate: one tap to open the menu
and another one on the "Go to this XYZ".
* On desktop and tablet enable the default action (navigation link) as
in 6.2 but improve the separation so that the menu behaves as much as
possible as a drop down button (e.g. the Add button) without looking
like one. This means:
** You should understand there are two sides without hovering
** Separate hover and active state (e.g. the link is not hovered when
the toggle is hovered)
I've investigated *many* ways to achieve this and the result can be
seen on http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-11517. This is close to
but not the same.
NOTE: The way the menu behaves and looks on hover and click (text and
background color) is strictly determined by the color theme. Some
themes highlight the hovered menu items by changing their background
color, others the text color and some do both. My changes are
independent on this. We can of course improve the default color theme
to better highlight the menu items. This is a different topic though.
I'd like to commit this changes in 6.4. Here's my +1.