I have seen that the jobManager is deprecated since 6.1.
But how would I schedule a job and return immediately using the jobExecutor?
(Using the jobManager it would be something like :
Job job = jobManager.addJob("jobtype", request))
Thanks , Stefan.
I have little question : I would like to define a class in a groovy macro in a document, create an instances of this class on another document and then access this instance on the first document. Is that possible to do?
It would kinda look like this:
First doc (Doc1):
public class Hello{
public printHello(){
Hello A = //get instance "FirstTest" of Hello from the doc2
second doc (Doc2):
//import class definition from Doc1
Hello FirstTest = new Hello();
then the first document would output "HelloWorld! "
Is that doable in any way??
Thanks in advance
I'm in the process of transferring a reasonable number of "Tip of the Day" articles that we've previously distributed by email to store on the Wiki. Ideally, I'd like to display them in a Documents list using the Dashboard macro and Documents gadget and have the date that they were first published as one of the columns in the document list. Note that the publication date should reflect the date that the tip was first sent out as an email, not the date that I'm now transferring the text to the Wiki, which is today (ie. November, 2014). Some of these articles go back as far as September, 2011. I think I'd also like to avoid messing with the revision history dates on these articles. I think the publication date should be a field independent of the needs of the Wiki and it's revision tracking mechanisms, even if there is a supported way of fiddling with such things.
I've been able to associate a CreationDate property with each article via the following process:
1. Create a Hidden "Tip of the Day" page.
2. Edit the class of the "Tip of the Day" page and add a Date property called CreationDate.
3. On each Tip of the Day article, edit the objects, add a "Tip of the Day" object and store the creation date in the CreationDate property on that object.
What I can't seem to figure out is if I can display this as a column in the Documents gadget of a dashboard and if so how. The Documents gadget does have a columns property which takes a comma-separated list of column specifications such as doc.name, doc.date, doc.author and the like. Is there are way to specify the CreationDate on the attached Tip of the Day object as a column in this list?
Alternatively, is there a better way to go about this?
Brett Gersekowski
Senior Solution Architect
WIND Mobile 207 Queen's Quay West, Suite 710 Toronto, ON M5J 1A7
Email: BGersekowski(a)WINDMobile.ca
Direct: 647-260-1415
Hello XWiki community members,
Do you have an issue that is very important to you, but nobody seems to
notice even if you`ve reported it a while ago?
About a month ago we have included in our issue tracker (
http://jira.xwiki.org ) the ability to sponsor an issue. Have you seen that
green link on the right side (
), that`s it! :)
We did not get much of a reaction until now, so I should maybe try to
present it properly to the community and see what people think; if it's a
good idea or not; if it`s going to work out or if we should dump it.
The idea is simple and is described in our Contributing page (
Basically, you see an issue that you really want someone to fix and you
offer yourself to sponsor it, in the hopes of motivating people to
prioritize your issue above all others. Other people may join in and
increase the sponsored amount any time, so the chances of the issue to be
fixed will grow accordingly. You do this by clicking the green "Sponsor"
link on the right side of the issue, getting redirected to the
FreedomSponsors.org website, fill in the details and wait for the magic to
At this point, any member of the community with developer skills can see
your issue above others and have a go at it. When he is done and you are
happy with the work, you can reward him with the promised amount.
More details on the technicalities can be found on their FAQ (
https://freedomsponsors.org/faq ).
Among the advantages, I can list:
- Prioritize your issue above others
- Reward people for their time spent on helping you out with your needs
- A way to sponsor open source hard work done on the XWiki project
Let us know what you think about this initiative.
I'd like to upload files through a custom File Upload servlet that runs from the same Tomcat server but is not part of XWiki. This servlet does some file processing and stores the file in a separate area away from the XWiki attachments, and it's possible that eventually this servlet might be moved to another server as processing demands change.
Is it possible to make use of the supplied XWiki UI widgets to upload to this servlet? Any guidance on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.
I wanted to use the snip from page
Request jobRequest = new DefaultRequest();
// Indicate an id to allow you to access the status of this
unique task, the id is required to save/retrieve the status of
the job
// Allow the job to ask questions during its executing (false by
// [since 5.4] Indicate if the job should log informations about
what is going on (to display it during the process for example,
true by default)
// Put some custom configuration
jobRequest.setProperty("some custom jobtype related parameter",
// Lookup and execute Job with role hint "jobtype" and wait for
it to be finished
jobManager.executeJob("jobtype", request)
// Lookup and add Job with role hint "jobtype" to the queue
queue and return right away
Job job = jobManager.addJob("jobtype", request)
// Wait until the job is finished
to be able to create my own job and job request. But how is the
jobManager injected? When I use the snip, the
the jobManager is null.