Hi Leonardo,
On 15 Jul 2014 at 20:10:26, Leonardo Kodato (leonardokodato@gmail.com(mailto:leonardokodato@gmail.com)) wrote:
> Hi Marius and Vicent.
> Thank you for the reply.
> After disabling the JS, it loaded correctly.
> Then I rolled back the instalation and restored the last change I've made. The problem ocurred due to a jquery-prototype compatibility.
> I tried to put Jquery in no-conflict mode, as documented in jquery.com(http://jquery.com). It was inside a Xwiki object, as well as the Jquery plugin that I'm using. Now I will try to figure out how do I get it to work without conflict with prototype.
> Vicent, here is the documentation I read. It says that:
> "The general strategy is to download the WAR distribution and to replace your current installed WAR. Make sure you don't copy on top since this could leave some old files around which would make XWiki fail (like if old JARs are lying around in WEB-INF/lib). "
> Link: http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Upgrade
Actually I thought you mean the xwiki data directory and this directory must absolutely not be removed. It needs to be kept so that the upgrade can happen. BTW where did you put the xwiki data directory (it’s configured in xwiki.properties)?
> Even so, I will try to update it to 6.1 and test it, as it features a new bootstrap skin.
Cool, let us know how it goes!
> Thank you for your support.
> =).
> 2014-07-12 10:26 GMT-03:00 vincent@massol.net(mailto:vincent@massol.net) :
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 8 Jul 2014 at 20:12:22, Leonardo Kodato (leonardokodato@gmail.com(mailto:leonardokodato@gmail.com)(mailto:leonardokodato@gmail.com)) wrote:
> >
> > > UPDATE:
> > >
> > > I tried to update Xwiki to the last super stable version, but the problem
> > > persists. It loads the new version and tries to display the Distribution
> > > Wizard to start the upgrade proccess, but then the gray background shows up
> > > and there is nothing I can do.
> > >
> > > One thing to note is that some users can see their spaces, but the Admin
> > > and the others can not. The guest visitor also can see the register and
> > > logon page. So, I suspect that is something related to just one space.
> > >
> > > Another thing I've noticed is that I've deleted the xwiki folder to start
> > > the update proccess as recommended in the documentation.
> >
> > Could you show me where this is mentioned in the documentation? I’d like to make sure you’re doing it correctly.
> >
> > Thanks
> > -Vincent
> >
> > > So, It's not a
> > > extension problem or a file problem, I think. It seems to be something with
> > > the Database and javascript.
> > >
> > > Should I start a bug report on Jira?
> > >
> > > Thank you very much.
Is there a document describing prefetred settings to have xwiki and solr-based
search working well for non-multilingual, non-en documents?
I have a problem with solr search (xwiki 5.3). My language settings are:
multilingual: no
supported languages: pl,en
default language: - I'm testing with different values here
and in xwiki.cfg:
Test no 1:
default language: pl
When I create new document, it has (in database) xwd_language = '' and
xwd_default_language = 'pl' - so it looks ok:
xwd_fullname | xwd_language | xwd_default_language
Sandbox.SzukajWNazwieStronyTest | | pl
I try to search on 'SzukajWNazwie' - solr suggest does suggest this page, but
entering search result the result list is empty.
If i try searching by document content - both search suggest and search result
list are empty.
When I change
default language: en
and create a document, it has properties:
xwd_fullname | xwd_language | xwd_default_language
Sandbox.SearchInPageNameTest | | en
1. Suggest does find the document by its name, search does too
2. Suggest does not find the document by its content, but search does.
Searching of polish document works as before the change
I'm a little bit confused, I cannot see any consistent rule in the behavior.
Thanks in advance for any tips.
Best Regards,
Hello Community,
I am trying to add a column that reference the doc parent but I am facing
some difficult.
I have tried to input the doc.space but It not worked:
#set ($discard = $services.localization.use('document',
#set ($columnsProperties = {
'doc.space': {"type":"list"},
'category': {"type":"text","size":10,"link":"view"},
'doc.name': {"type":"text","size":10,"link":"view"},
'_attachments': {"sortable":false,"filterable":false,"html":true},
#set ($options = {
'className': 'FileManager.FileManagerClass',
'resultPage': 'FileManager.FileManagerLiveTableResults',
'translationPrefix': 'filemanager.livetable.',
'tagCloud': true,
'rowCount': 15,
'maxPages': 10,
'selectedColumn': 'category',
'defaultOrder': 'asc'
## Add the filter by selected tags
#set ($discard = $options.put('selectedTags',["${request.tag}"]))
#set ($columns = ['doc.space','category','doc.name', '_attachments',
#livetable('filemanager' $columns $columnsProperties $options)
Any tip?
Grupo Energisa
Danilo Oliveira
Analista Suporte Aplicacao TI - DPTO CORP. DE INFRAESTR. TI
e-mail: danilo.oliveira(a)energisa.com.br | tel: (32) 3429-6342 | cel: (32) 8452-9478
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Hello all,
After migration 3.4 > 6.1, i got just a small bug, in the menu "Home" , the < wiki index > label doesn't appear but I got "platform.wiki.menu.wikiindex"
In the wiki index module, same, all label are "plateform.wiki.browse", "plateform.wiki.browse.wikiprettyname, " plateform.wiki.browse.decription",....
Do you know how I can correct this?
I've used
snippet and
application to migrate XWiki to the new server.
In both cases they show incorrect document creation and last change dates.
Last modified by Administrator on 2011-06-06 17:12
Created by User on 2014-07-21 10:11
but it should be vice versa:
Last modified by Administrator on 2014-07-21 10:11
Created by User on 2011-06-06 17:12
History table shows following:
1.1 Administrator 2011-06-06 17:12 Imported from XAR Current version
Which is also misleading, because if XAR import is noted in history, it
should show last modification date (2014-07-21 10:11), not creation date
(2011-06-06 17:12).
I can register new bug if my thoughts seems reasonable, but I'm more
interested in workaround how to "fix" it in the way.
Hello all,
I finally got new environment to migrate our 'old' Xwiki 2.3 to 6.1 (oracle 11, tomcat 7,...).
Fresh install is good
When I migrate the db from 2.3 to 6.1, everything seems ok but not when I import the default xar 6.1. After import, every users have rights to see admin menu (in home) and have access :/
(users don't have admin rights of course)
Any idea how I can fix this?
Do I have to migrate to intermediate version before the 6.1?
I have a multi-wiki farm running 5.4.3. Google Analytics is turned on in
Administration, with a different GA Account for each subwiki.
It works great on all but one subwiki. On the working ones, I can find the
GA line in the page source:
<script type='text/javascript'
src='/bin/jsx/XWiki/GoogleAnalyticsCode?language=en' defer='defer'></script>
On one subwiki, that line is missing, and as such there are no results
coming through to GA. Administration has the correct account number, and it
says "Google Analytics is running" - but there's still nothing in the
Any ideas?
The Activity Stream macro [1] has been introduced in XWiki 2.6
As part of XWiki's 6.2 roadmap, we are investigating its
refactoring/rewriting, as it has proved to suffer from various performance
issues and other limitations.
We have already composed a partial list [1] of use cases that should be
covered by the new implementation, but would also like your input on what
features should the new version support.
Please let us know what problems you`ve had with Activity Stream, what you
wished you could have done but were limited by the implementation, why did
you use it or why you did *not* use it, etc.
Your feedback will help guide us in the right direction.
[1] http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Activity+Macro