Well I really only intended to go from 5.4.4 to 5.4.5 but one thing let to
another so I decided to go with the latest milestone release. It all
appears to be working OK, but I'm getting an error during the migration
phase, where is says that some of the existing 5.4.4 UI pages/packages are
"not valid"...so the migration fails to complete properly. (When I restart
the container I get presented with the migration gui again).
My own wiki content appears to be OK, but now I'm not sure about the system
Are there any know issues with the migrator? Any way to bypass this validity
check and force it anyway?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Problem-upgrading-from-5-4-4-to-6-1m2-tp7…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
A lot of images and attachments went missing after xwiki upgrade.
However, after rebooting my machine, xwiki was magically fixed.
I guess something made PostgreSQL instance refuse to serve its
contents and restarting the instance solved the problem.
• description: I work with the Bristol Action of Bristol Township near Canandaigua, NY USA. Bristol Action is an unofficial non-profit group working to protect the environment in Bristol Township. We want to create a web site that augments our page on FaceBook. This site will contain information regarding the latest issues regarding High Volume Hydrofracturing, HVHF or ‘Fracking’ in our township and New York State. It will also contain information about alternative energy sources available in our area. I will be the technical person as I have developed computer software for over 40 years. We will also have several people (no more than 5) updating content on the site. We would like to us the mywiki community farm to host this web site.
• owner name: ron.rdssoftware(a)gmail.com, Ron Smith
• wiki name: bristolaction (if this is not available, then usany bristolaction)
Please let me know what else you need to set up a wiki on .myxwiki.org.
Ronald D. Smith
Our XWiki web site is broken. The symptom is that many buttons,
drop-downs, text boxes do not display. We can display the main content
web pages and links to other pages work. The trouble comes when we try
to administer the web site. For instance, we cannot add a user to a
group because the text entry boxes and the "Add" button do not display
when the group edit page is displayed.
Example GETS that do not work are in the form of
These GETS result in the [HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 169ms] error.
We welcome all suggestions and advice on the matter.
Dear XWiki users,
Since I’ve seen several questions recently on the list related to XWiki events, I’ve spent several hours rewriting the XWiki Notifications Tutorial here:
You’ll learn for example:
-Â Adding content to pages on save
-Â Log when a document is modified
-Â Send a mail whenever a comment is added
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki 6.1 Milestone 2.
This milestone contains a new mail API and module to replace the old
mailsender plugin, Flamingo skin and Extension Manager improvements as
well as various performances improvements and bug fixes.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
Hi everyone,
On the 15th of December (i.e. in a month's time), it will be **10 years**
since the first commit on the XWiki open source project.
Ludovic did the first commit in CVS on Sourceforge:
15.12.2003 10:13:33, by ludovic
Initial revision
(Can be seen at
10 years is starting to be some respectable milestone!
I invite everyone to join us in celebrating by adding your own story about
your interaction with the XWiki community or the XWiki software at
<XWiki SAS hat>
Since I'm also the CTO of the XWiki SAS company, I'd like to officially
invite all the members of this great community to join us in celebrating
the 10 days of the XWiki project at the XWiki SAS office in Paris, France
on the 12th of December 2013.
Here's the invitation:
See you there!
</XWiki SAS hat>
Well done everyone!
-Vincent Massol
Create a link on a header in the same page is painfull.
First reflex is to use the link syntax of the link
[[label>>Space.Page#HMyheading]] as described
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/XWikiSyntax#HLinks and
ommitting the "Space.Page".
It seems quite natural but it does not work and we have to use the xwiki
syntax link specification : [[label>>||anchor="HMyHeading"]]
Each time I have to do this, I spend a lot of time to retrieve this
information (my co-worker too), so I create my own xwiki user guide but I
think it should be more easy if this information stay on xwiki syntax...
Is it possible to add a new row in the the table of Links section with
[[label>>||anchor="HMyHeading"]] ?
Or better, allow us to create links with [[label>>#HMyheading]]
By the way, I'm not alone:
Best regards,