We've succeeded in having a wiki devroom for FOSDEM 2014 (https://fosdem.org/2014/)! :)
This means we have a full track for wikis and we're now organizing a Call for Participation.
I hope to see a lot of proposals from the XWiki community.
If you know other wiki communities please forward them this email so that they can participate. The more communities the better so that we can cross-pollinate.
-Vincent Massol
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Quim Gil <qgil(a)wikimedia.org>
> Subject: [wikis-devroom] Call for participation
> Date: October 7, 2013 9:24:39 PM GMT+02:00
> To: wikis-devroom(a)lists.fosdem.org
> Wikis devroom - FOSDEM, Brussels, 1 & 2 February 2014
> We accept proposals for wiki related submissions. The formats accepted are 25min sessions or 5min lighting sessions. All proposals must be submitted via https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/
> Deadline: 30 November 2013
> Questions? Feedback? Willing to help?
> https://lists.fosdem.org/listinfo/wikis-devroom
> Wikis are essential tools for online collaboration, open knowledge and free software. They are everywhere: from the mainstream Wikipedia to a myriad of public, academic and corporate knowledge bases and personal sites. And most of them are open source software.
> Wikis became popular thanks to the edit button allowing users to create and modify text-based web pages easily. Over the years wikis have become more powerful, handling more content types, allowing better look & feel, championing localization and integrating (sometimes) with other tools. The development continues, with hundreds of professional and volunteer contributors specializing in this area.
> There are also challenges: the competition from (mainly proprietary and corporate) social media and online office tools, keeping up with UX expectations from users, editors and sysadmins, compatibility across different wiki engines and other publishing tools, collaboration between wiki projects...
> Wikis devroom is a place to showcase and discuss
> * new features, especially exploring areas beyond plain text editing
> * compatibility and integration with other tools and services
> * lessons learned from deployments, surveys, research...
> * cross-project collaboration
> We want to focus on sessions for a technical audience including savvy editors. Basic introductions for end users and long tutorials are out of scope.
> One day, one room. Most of the schedule will be filled with sessions of about 25 minutes that have gone through a call for participation.
> We will have a WikiWiki Hour of lightning presentations (5 minutes each).
> We will organize a panel session with representation of key wiki projects - the specific topic to be decided as we confirm the participants.
> Quim Gil (MediaWiki), Vincent Massol (XWiki) and Jean-Marc Libs (Tiki).
> _______________________________________________
> wikis-devroom mailing list
> wikis-devroom(a)lists.fosdem.org
> https://lists.fosdem.org/listinfo/wikis-devroom
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 5.2.
This release comes with multiwiki support enabled by default: users
are able to create new wikis without the need to install additional
extensions. This is possible because the Workspace Application has
been integrated in XWiki Enterprise. We stopped the support for XWiki
Enterprise Manager as a consequence. Apart from this, the new release
brings a Solr-based live search (to replace the one based on Lucene)
and the ability to track active XWiki installs. The Distribution
Wizard has a new step to upgrade all wikis. Developers will be
interested by the new Wiki Stream framework which can already be used
to export large wikis in XAR format. A lot of bug fixes (135) and many
improvements (50) complete this release and make it worth trying.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
Situation: We are currently at XWiki X.Y and we want to upgrade to the latest
XWiki version.
Problem: Upgrading is complex :-(
Wish: I wish that XWiki has an "Check for update" button. If a new version
of XWiki is released, this button will report the newest XWiki version. A
new button "Upgrade Wiki" will become available. If the admin presses that
1) A backup of the current Wiki(s) will be made
2) XWiki will compare the current Wiki X.Y with the version X.Y stored at
www.xwiki.org to detect any modifications (like XWiki.XWikiPreferences,
XWiki.WebPreferences, XWiki.XWikiAllGroup, XWiki.Admin, *.*Config,
XWiki.XWikiServerXwiki, or any other page that has been modified, such as
Main.WebHome, a modified Panel, etc.
3) Perform the upgrade of all the XWiki components
4) Merge any configuration files
All automaticly, just like updating an iPhone or Android App. I just click
on "Install" and the new version of my App will be downloaded/installed.
Wishful thinking?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Auto-upgrade-from-XWiki-X-Y-tp7587454.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
We are using xwiki enterprise version 5.1 for our production wiki. I need to
upgrade it into latest version such as 5.2. I couldn't get any useful link
for this up gradation. If anyone did this update, please let me know the
steps or links
Thanks in advance
Hi Users and Devs
I trust you that you can have a solution four my problem. In my velocity
page I have a link like this one :
<a href="$xwiki.getURL("MySpace.MyPAge", "export", "myaparmas")"
target="_blank"> Download my PDF </a>
This works pretty well and open the generated PDF in a new browser tab
, what I am looking for is is there a way to download directly the PDF as a
file when clicking on the link
Can someone tell me what it would take (generally) to add code that would parse text for a specific pattern and convert it to a hyperlink? I'm fluent in PHP and C#, and know a little Java, but have done zero custom work with XWiki. I've created this type of parser for other systems.
What I would be parsing is this regex pattern:
To create this link:
Keith Davis - (214) 906-5183
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I want to change the width of my panel on the RIGHT.
So far I have:
1) Created a new XWiki-page "XWiki.MyStyleSheetExtension"
2) Added a "StyleSheetExtension" object to that page
I have added this code (css):
width: 400px;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
margin-left: -400px;
float: right;
Use this extension: "Always on this page" (will change this to "Always on
this wiki" when I get it all right)
Parse content: "No"
Caching policy: "default"
The only change I notice is the "margin-left" property, the panel on the
right now floats more to the left. But the panel has still a width of 220px
(not 400px), and the width of the "main content" is still the same (thus the
"main content" and my panel are now overlapping).
My guess is that it is all in the CSS and I need to add more sections to
make my panel wider and my "main content" smaller.
Problem is I have NO CLUE which things I need to add to the CSS!
Help! :-)
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Change-width-of-panel-tp7587403.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
With Skin Extensions, I can include a js or css from resources filesystem:
... would include .../xwiki/resources/path/to/file.js
With XWiki#getSkinFile, I can retrieve URL of a skin file (from current
skin etc).
... would return an URL that might target
... would insert an image from silk icons (so, from
But, is there a clean way to get the URL targeting a file into /resources
filesystem ? (ie, get URL to a silk icon for example)