Hi everyone,
I never had a solution to this. Do I really have to export and re-import
everything just to remove a space with no pages in it?
Just to remind you, the problem is a page in the AllDocs that can't be
deleted because it says it doesn't exist. Yet it still apears in AllDocs,
in its own space, the same as another space but with + instead of spaces*
in the space name.
* Sorry that's confusing.
On 04/19/2012 10:20 AM, Dmitry Bakbardin wrote:
> Hi!
> I experienced the same problem in 3.0: two spaces with the same names and
i can't delete it also because of
This is http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-6593 which has been fixed in
3.0.1, it's not related to the + in the space name, but to the fact that
you've disabled attachment versioning.
>>> Are you sure there is only one page ? Maybe you have a "WebHome" page
>>> too in this spaces ? Did you checked with document index ?
> I have several pages inside problematic space and no WebHome in it. None
of these pages could be deleted.
> So, now I'm waiting for the upgrade to export necessary spaces and import
them back after dropping database :-((
> Kind Regards,
> Dmitry
as I am new to XWiki I am trying to gain some inspiration and ideas how to
successfully use it for our business purposes.
I have created an app (application within a minute) to organize and manage
our projects. We have designed a structure of fix sub-wikipages, which we
want to attach to every application item.
Example: let's say we have a project #123 and some metainformation like
project leader etc. which is all organized in the application fields. And
now we want some subpages like 1. project-todos, project-documentation,
project-log etc.
What possible ways do exist to automatize the creation of the subpages, so
that each time I create a project item in that app, all the predefined
subpages will be created by the system.
I don't expect you to write me the complete solution. But I would really
appreciate if you could just drop some buzzwords or some links, that point
me the proper direction.
Thanks in advance,
best regards,
Hi XWiki expert,
two months ago we upgraded our internal XWiki to version 3.3. After the
upgrade it happens in unregular intervals that some macro are no longer
found (error message: "Unknown macro ...") . Only macros requiring
programming rights are affected.
When adding a comment to the affected macros as user with programming
rights the Macro becomes available again.
We can not see any unusal event which can be associated with the
problem. The log files do not contain any unusal error message.
I saw the problem also on http://rhierlmeier.myxwiki.org with XWiki
Version 3.5 (Unknown Macro "spaces" in Page Main.WebHome). Storing the
Spaces Makro again solved the problem.
How can I debug the problem?
I have hosted two different wiki application(wiki1 and wiki2) under same
tomcat6. When i hit wiki1 from IE its works fine.But as soon as i hit
wiki2, i start getting Permgen space exception. As per my understanding ,
probable reason for this is large number of class files gets loaded in
classloader. Is that correct?(Any rough idea about number of classes
deployed in xwiki will help in understanding the problem). Is there a way i
can host two wiki app under same tomcat? Here are the details of my system:-
java_opt- -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m //(mentioned as environment variable):
tomcat version:-6.0.26
As per
tried to increas the permgensize by mentioning JAVA_OPTS and suggested
value against it.But no help.
Now, What else i can i do to resolve this perm gen issue?
I have gone thru
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Logging. As per
logback.xml(inside in MyApp/WEB_INF/classes), looks like it relies on the
fact that container will redirect all the console to logfile automaticcaly.
But it is not happening. I am using tomcat 6. i want to put all the
possible logs i.e log.info.log.warn,log.error,log.debug,log.fatal inside
log file
For logging i am using below code snippet
private static final Log log =
declared as insiance variable under AuthServiceImpl.class
then in my public method i am doing the logging as
log.error("Testing AuthServiceImpl Reply = ");
But its printing the logs on tomcat console. Guys really i have no idea
how to print the to file instead of console.Inside logback.xml(inside in
i can see below setting. I have really no idea what is happening?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, all,
I logged in as an administrator, I like to create a new page under jQuery
with this URL:
when I click the Create button, it always redirected me to localhost as
which caused error message: Unable to connect, I tried to create from Main
space, also the same problem and redirected me to:
when this happens, I have to replace the localhost with mydomain on browser
address and press enter to bring up the page, this happened to me many
times when I need to do edit action, when it is view action, it works
perfectly, I have httpd apache webserver in front of tomcat, in apache
config file, my setup is:
ProxyPass /xwikim http://localhost:8082/xwikim
ProxyPassReverse /xwikim http://localhost:8082/xwikim
In tomcat server.xml file, the setup is:
<Connector port="*8082*" maxThreads="*150*"
="*75*" enableLookups="*false*" acceptCount="*100*" connectionTimeout="*
20000*" proxyPort="*80*" disableUploadTimeout="*true*" />
I feel this setup should be ok, since it works all the time except
sometimes it does not work for edit action or login.
Does anybody have ideas about what happened and how to fix?
Thanks very much in advance.
Hi evereyone,
Maybe this question is already answered but I couldn't find it out...
Is posible to have a global dashboard at Main Wiki (with XWiki Manager)
showing the activity of all wikis in a wiki farm?
Thanks in advance.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Global-Dashboard-with-activity-of-all-wik…
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